The purpose of Poetslife is to promote the art and discipline of American Tactical Civil Defense for families and small businesses and to contribute practical American civil defense preparedness guidance for all Americans through my articles in the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense and leadership as the volunteer Vice President of TACDA.


Tactical Civil Defense to Protect the Children

My Civil Defense History

For a good synopsis of my 38 years doing civil defense professionally and as a volunteer, see my recent interview on Children and Civil Defense | Civil Defense Radio (
And, for the Journal of Civil Defense article that is the basis of the interview and my new company Tactical Civil Defense, go to the TACDA.ORG website.
I write this on Christmas Eve, 2020, with passion and gratitude to Jesus Christ for the miracles that will happen in 2021.
Many Americans are depressed, anxious, nervous and confused due to the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) attacks on Americans and the world population, from their causing and spreading the pandemic to their efforts to enslave the world, and the corporate media amplifying a false and dangerous narrative.
Children need to play in playgrounds to get exercise, sunshine, Vitamin D, develop friendships, and laugh to develop wholesome lives.
Instead, tyrants in America in the pay of the CCP ordered them locked at home, isolated, playing computer games (data centers had to double in size to accommodate them as they were not "learning from home" but engaging in destructive computer games and exposed to the evil of pornography on the internet and in social media) instead of getting healthier.
These are the same people who wrapped children's playgrounds in police tape in March, 2020.
They were wrong then and they are wrong now.
Their cure (socialist distancing, isolation, making human contact illegal, closing business, closing churches, enabling huge corporations like Amazon and Wal Mart to destroy hundreds of thousands of small businesses, closing gyms, playgrounds and other exercise venues, illegally passing totalitarian laws, shredding the U.S. Constitution, persecuting Christendom, and on and on and on) was worse than the alleged disease.

Law of Unintended Consequences

Yes, it was the Law of Unintended Consequences in plain view...but it was worse, as they used a 1984 Ministry of Truth approach to gaslight us.
So our children and grandchildren got sadder, sicker, and more isolated. 
So, too, with older Americans, who were murdered by these evildoers and their policies in record numbers.
Not good.
Just the opposite of what Jesus Christ advises in the New Testament.
Tyrannical government officials, politicians, powerful bureaucrats and public health officials who work for the CCP are telling American families to avoid contact at Christmas.
They have shut down Christian churches but left open strip joints, bath houses, liquor stores, marihuana stores, and huge corporations like Wal Mart and Amazon that have doubled their profits.
Meanwhile, small business from restaurants to service companies have been forced out of business, families have been denied their God-given freedoms and been arrested for assembling to work and help each other survive.
Something is not right.
The goal of communism, from the French Revolution to Stalinist and Leninist Soviet union to Mao's China to their vassal states of Venezuela, Cuba and their African nation conquests, is to enslave, destroy freedom and make us all proles to serve their Satanic needs.
Once Americans knew this and sacrificed the lives and limbs of hundreds and thousands of American military men and women to countermand this evil.
As a grand parent, I am dedicated to reversing that temporary aberration in 2021.
And I am not alone.
Thousands of Christians and American military Veterans, of which I am one, have been working for years and are working hard today as volunteers to prevent this CCP tactical civil defense threat from succeeding.
I used to believe the corporate media, CIA, FBI, Hollywood, Wall Street, DNC, and Academia lies that this was all a "conspiracy theory."
No longer.
I've seen it with my own eyes and I have committed to countermand, with my brother Vets, the CCP led world domination plan.
Mary, the teenage mother of Jesus Christ, had a choice when the Angel Gabriel appeared to tell her she was the vessel to bear the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ.
She could have said "No!"
By answering "Yes" she changed history and saved us.
So, I will follow Mary's example and work to ensure the future of Christendom.

Teaching Civil Defense
My skill stack is tactical civil defense and that is where I will contribute to the survival, preservation, and continuation of the Republic of the United States of America.
I teach parents and grandparents how to teach their children and grandchildren about the importance of civil defense tactics, strategies, supplies, services, training, and spirit to fight the many threats they face to survive daily.
Contact me at 301 325 7936 or to discuss if my skill stack is valuable to your survival and what platform we can use to transfer that knowledge.
Here is the link to my interview on Civil Defense Radio about Children and Civil Defense. 
It is a good synopsis of my 38 years doing civil defense professionally and as a volunteer. Children and Civil Defense | Civil Defense Radio (
For the Journal of Civil Defense article that is the basis of the interview, go to the TACDA.ORG website.

The purpose of my Children and Civil Defense article is to protect and defend the future of American children. 
Here is the opening.

"We teach children from their youth to help them have a long, healthy and prosperous life. Yet the subject of civil defense, essential to those goals, is completely neglected by public, private and home schools everyday.
This article will help to fill that gap and provide information for parents (and grandparents) in some of the core areas of civil defense so you can educate your children. Greater exploration of these topics is available by visiting the websites or reading the books suggested here."

Brief Definition of Civil Defense

Civil defense includes all the tasks undertaken to ensure the safety of citizens and to protect them from attack (terrorist, propaganda, atheisms, chemical, biological, radiological, radiological, nuclear, pornography, children sex trafficking, and many others) as well as from the negative impacts of natural disasters. At the very core of civil defense is the protection of children. In the United States, this is mostly done by unpaid volunteers in support of front-line emergency personnel with oversight by government."

Other topics covered include:

  • Civil Defense History: WWII to Today
  • The Elite Engage in Civil Defense: So Should You
  • Developing a Plan
  • Building a Civil Defense Community
  • Planning for Medical Needs
  • Stockpiling Supplies
  • Storing Clean Water
  • Educating Children - Making it Fun
  • Internet Resources
  • Why Civil Defense for Children Matters
Attacks, disasters and emergencies happen every day. They are especially hard on children. While I wrote the Children and Civil Defense article, Hurricane Florence was barreling toward the United States. A million parents had to abandon their homes and drive hundreds of thousands of children great distances to unfamiliar surroundings.
Ask yourself: Am I prepared to keep my children safe, fed, sheltered healthy and medically treated when the next Florence-like emergency strikes? Am I prepared to protect them spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally from the other threats?
The threat matrix is endless but some of the top threats are terrorism, floods, hurricanes, fire, crime, thunderstorms, lightning, poison, pornography, pedophiles, bullies, communism, atheisms,  and child sex trafficking?
Hard topics to address, yes, but from the Old Testament to today adults have always had hard topics to address. 
The ones who's families survived and prospered took on these threats because they were prepared, trained, experienced and knew what to do.
Please allow me the opportunity to educate you about how to prepare for and successfully respond to man made and natural disasters.
Learn civil defense for yourself, your children and grandchildren. The information in this article is a great resource to help you get started.
At a minimum, form a Safety and Security Committee at your Church. In my 10 years doing that volunteer work, I have seen God's grace poured out and children protected from evil.

Free Civil Defense Resources

Here are free resources to help you accomplish that mission.

God Bless You All and may God protect you, your precious children and grandchildren.

Bruce Curley
President, Tactical Civil Defense
Mount Airy, MD, USA

Here are resources to help you understand the words above are true:

Good family resources to learn tactical civil defense:

Creado Media

If you want a peek into the new world we are creating, go to Creado Media. 
Creado now own enough servers to be free. Know that 95% of the servers in the US are owned by Amazon, Microsoft and Google. As a result, they rule American thought due to their market share.
Creado will reverse that statistic and thereby free American minds. They are a very good investment.

Two decades of my civil defense analysis, videos, photos and articles may be found on these platforms:

Dr. Edward Teller said it best: 
"In the most dangerous situation, we have chosen the most dangerous of courses...we have chosen not to face our danger. 
Perhaps one of the most common misconceptions among Americans is that if a major wide-scale nuclear, biological or chemical disaster strikes, chances of survival would be extremely low. In reality, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. 
Many will survive, and most will not be prepared. There are many dangerous threats that do exist. However, for each threat, there are practical preparedness solutions that exist, as well."

Dr. Edward Teller

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