Electromagnetic pulse or EMP is real and you need to know about it.
The Communist Chinese Party (CCP) and the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) are actively working on an EMP strike as one of their options. Forewarned is forearmed.
Dr. Lowell Wood's EMP testimony.
The EMP Threat: The State of Preparedness Against the Threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Event
Joint Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Security
U.S. House Electromagnetic Pulse Threats to U.S. Military and Civilian Infrastructure
Dr. Michael J. Frankel's EMP Commission reports and links
I am the volunteer vice president of the American Civil Defense Association. We publish the Journal of Civil Defense. The Volume 55, 2021 Fall/Winter issue II of our Journal is dedicated to teach you about EMP from multiple perspectives.
The Soviet Union had an EMP capability all during the Cold War. They never used it because then there was the jointly agreed upon principal of mutually assured destruction (MAD) between the United Soviet Socialist Republic and the United States of America.
The CCP has a different view.
They believe, and are pursuing, a first strike capability to take out the United States of America.
They believe they can destroy us before we even know they have launched. Their spy balloon over the continental United States in February, 2022 is part of this strategy.
NOTE: Solar storms can also cause disastrous EMP events.
For more details about EMP see back issues of The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense, see here.