The purpose of Poetslife is to promote the art and discipline of American Tactical Civil Defense for families and small businesses and to contribute practical American civil defense preparedness guidance for all Americans through my articles in the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense and leadership as the volunteer Vice President of TACDA.

Showing posts with label Parents Protect Your Children's Social Media and Internet Use. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parents Protect Your Children's Social Media and Internet Use. Show all posts


Parents Protect Your Children's Social Media and Internet Use

When we were raising our two boys Robin and I were very careful to monitor their social media and internet use. 

Our rule was always that as we were paying the bill we always had access to their digital activity.

I wish we had guidance then but we pretty much winged it.

For example, my sons only used computers in the family living room or kitchen. I never allowed computers or TV's in the bedrooms.

Unlike other parents who allowed their teens to shut their door and use the internet, we always made sure we could see what was on their screens.

When a friend years ago told me his daughter got involved with a drug user and ended up addicted, he traced it to her meeting the guy in a chat room he never knew about as she was able to use the internet without parental guidance.

But you can protect your children as they use social media tools. 


The best way to to learn what they are doing in their digital world.

And how can you do that? 

By becoming a Sheepdog Parent.

Join the Sheepdog Parent group on Facebook. 

It was created and is maintained daily by the great Morgan Wright.

And to see just how great is Morgan when it comes to protecting children from social media, read his article in The Hill: Big Tech Vacuums up your kids data risking their privacy, mental health.

Here is how Morgan describes the purpose on his website.
"What is a sheepdog parent? A sheepdog lives to protect the flock and confront the wolf. As a sheepdog parent, you must also confront the wolf. 

This wolf may come in the form of cyber bullying, sexting, social media, gaming, depression, suicide or addictive technology. 

So what is a sheepdog parent? 

A sheepdog parent:

  • Realizes everyday there is no safety in denial.
  • Lives to protect the sheep and confront the wolf.
  • Never negotiates the safety of the flock. Ever.
  • Makes the conscious, moral decision to be the example.
  • Dedicates themselves each day to equipping and preparing for confrontation with the wolf.
Being a sheepdog parent is a choice. So is being a sheep. Wolves do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep. It doesn’t matter what you think or believe. It matters what you do about what you think or believe. 

What is your choice—sheep or sheepdog?"

Everyday Morgan posts parental guidance like: "Shocking news…children can’t recognize subliminal ads on social networks. The devious marketers at many social media companies are using Jedi mind tricks to get your children to ‘prefer’ certain products. 

Should there be clear disclaimers on subliminal social media ads?"

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