The purpose of Poetslife is to promote the art and discipline of American Tactical Civil Defense for families and small businesses and to contribute practical American civil defense preparedness guidance for all Americans through my articles in the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense and leadership as the volunteer Vice President of TACDA.

Showing posts with label Train the On-Site Commander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Train the On-Site Commander. Show all posts


Train the On-Site Commander

Incident Commander offers gaming software that helps train the on-site commander.
Serious Games for Homeland Security
Incident Commander™ NIMS-compliant training tool for Homeland Security Disaster strikes a community through a severe storm, a chemical spill, a terrorist bomb, or a hostage situation in a local school. The game puts you in the role of incident commander, challenging you to coordinate a multi-agency (fire, police, EMS, HAZMAT, public works, operations, planning, finance, and logistics units) response using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) protocol.
Work in single player mode to control all units yourself, or assign specific unit command to up to 16 participants and tackle the impending catastrophe as a unified team before the situation spirals out of control. Launch video Client: Department of Justice – National Institute of Justice Objective: Teach NIMS-compliant incident management to public safety officers (e.g., fire, HAZMAT, law enforcement, EMS, public works, school officials, city managers) who protect the public before, during, and after natural and man made disasters.
 Solution: Engaging simulation enables users to learn and apply incident command protocol in scenarios that include severe storm recovery, chemical spill, courthouse bomb, and active shooter in a school building. Technology: 2D display engine with map objects support.

Code Orange™ Emergency Medical Management Training for Mass Catastrophe
While working in a virtual hospital, you hear that a weapons-of-mass-destruction event just occurred in your area and thousands of people are injured or killed. In 15 minutes, the first wave of casualties will begin to arrive by ambulance, helicopter, car, and on foot. As part of the medical team, your job is to save lives by working in concert with other staff to implement the hospital's streamlined process for handling mass casualty situations. Code Orange™ is built on the Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS) protocol.
 Launch video Client: The Washington Hospital Center Objective: Create a tool that provides risk-ready training to emergency medical staff in preparation for catastrophic events in a networked, information-intensive, immersive training environment. Solution: A multiplayer real-time training tool enables emergency medical teams to train for catastrophic events 24 hours a day by logging into their workstation computers.

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