The CCP, in addition to their hundreds of cyber attacks and influence operations bribing Western academics, businessmen, Hollywood, Wall Street, politicians, and others...was going to go kinetic recently. They had planned a 3-pronged attack. The CCP had Laos and Cambodia lined up to attack Vietnam. They planned to unleash North Korea on South Korea. And with that chaos established, they planned to attack Taiwan.Fortunately, we got the 7th fleet to the South China sea fast enough that the CCP backed off.The biggest mistake the CCP makes in its war analysis and plans is that the private sector runs the United States, not the politicians in their employ.Tojo made that mistake in 1941.He learned the truth of that statement by 1945.
Xi issued an order that the CCP must warehouse food to prevent starvation among the Chinese people. He knows, as any Chinese dictator must, that he will be toppled if enough Chinese people starve. This has been true for 10,000 years of Chinese history. The only way that starvation did not begin recently was that the United States of America was kind enough to send the food stuffs to the CCP.But we can turn that supply line off at any time.The CCP has the technology, strategies, plans, military hardware, software, date centers, organizations, cultural and political warfare capabilities, etc...But we have the food.Trust me, we have the food.We have the most productive farmland in the world, as your spies in America no doubt have informed you.We have the food and we will use it as a weapon if we have to.You have the rare earth elements.Granted.But rare earth elements do not feed a hungry CCP members belly.Remember that Xi.
Civil Defense is critical for a successful generational fight against the CCP. For a good podcast and brief on the history of civil defense in the United States and especially children, listen to Civil Defense Radio here.
Our Grandchildren's American Future
The CCP, in addition to their hundreds of cyber attacks and influence operations bribing Western academics, businessmen, Hollywood, Wall Street, politicians, and others...was going to go kinetic recently. They had planned a 3-pronged attack. The CCP had Laos and Cambodia lined up to attack Vietnam. They planned to unleash North Korea on South Korea. And with that chaos established, they planned to attack Taiwan.
Fortunately, we got the 7th fleet to the South China sea fast enough that the CCP backed off.
The biggest mistake the CCP makes in its war analysis and plans is that the private sector runs the United States, not the politicians in their employ.
Tojo made that mistake in 1941.
He learned the truth of that statement by 1945.
Xi issued an order that the CCP must warehouse food to prevent starvation among the Chinese people.
He knows, as any Chinese dictator must, that he will be toppled if enough Chinese people starve.
This has been true for 10,000 years of Chinese history. The only way that starvation did not begin recently was that the United States of America was kind enough to send the food stuffs to the CCP.
But we can turn that supply line off at any time.
The CCP has the technology, strategies, plans, military hardware, software, date centers, organizations, cultural and political warfare capabilities, etc...
But we have the food.
Trust me, we have the food.
We have the most productive farmland in the world, as your spies in America no doubt have informed you.
We have the food and we will use it as a weapon if we have to.
You have the rare earth elements.
But rare earth elements do not feed a hungry CCP members belly.
Remember that Xi.
Civil Defense is critical for a successful generational fight against the CCP. For a good podcast and brief on the history of civil defense in the United States and especially children, listen to Civil Defense Radio here.
My grandchildren will grow up in an America that is better than the one my ancestors and parents left me.
About 320 million out of 360 Americans believe that American truth.
It is time we let the 40 million Americans who just kowtowed to the Communist Chinese Party know that we will not submit as they have to the rule of the CCP.
My MIA Uncle 1st Lieutenant Frank J. Curley did not sacrifice his young 21 year-old life in a B-24 fireball to a Pacific Ocean grave off HaHa Jima to defeat the Imperial Japanese military, nor did millions of other patriotic Americans die or suffer mental and physical scars from wars to protect my freedoms just to now kowtow to the CCP.
American warriors know the sacrifices in blood and lives given to create the American Republic.
They are willing to make the same sacrifice to make sure we continue as a free people who determine our own future without foreign interference.
How We Defeat the CCP
The CCP needs to know we grow the food and we will use it as a weapon to preserve our God-given inalienable right to all the freedoms written in the words of our Constitution and Bill of Rights by our Founding Fathers.
As the CCP members are not Christians, they have no idea how resolute, courageous, creative, innovative, strong and fierce Christians can be when attacked.
For reference, I suggest they research Brian Boro and Richard the Lion Heart.
I know the CCP thinks it just took over the United States of America because they stole the 2020 American Presidential Election and attacked us with the Covid-19 biological weapon.
But they are as foolish as the Imperial Japanese when they attacked Pearl Harbor.
And the CCP "victory" will be as pyric.
The American public is waking up to what was just done: a minority globally with their allies in the United States more interested in wealth than obeying God just sold out their birthright for a few pieces of silver.
Like Judas, it will not end well for them.
Prayer to St. Joseph to Help us Work Hard to Defeat the CCP

"Oh Gentlest Heart of Jesus, ever resent in the Blessed Sacrament, ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls in purgatory, have mercy on the souls in purgatory, have mercy on the sols of they departed servants.
Be not severe in Thy Judgment but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon the devouring flames and do thou O merciful Savior send They angels to conduct They departed servant to a place of refreshment, light and Peace. Amen.
May the souls of all the faithful departed through he mercy of God, rest in Peace. Amen."
I am under no illusion as to how hard it will be to fight the current victories of the CCP and their American and worldwide globalist allies.
But as after the 1941 Imperial Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, this sneak CCP Covid-19 attack will eventually be defeated. But it will take hard, hard work on the part of the American people
The CCP and globalists have made the mistaken calculation that Americans are fat, dumb, lazy and easily distracted with drugs, pornography, material comforts, cheap goods, and therefore can easily be taken down.
And they are right that this is the condition of many Americans.
But it is not the majority.
And the majority will fight back and win.
"Glorious St. Joseph, patron of all who are devoted to toil, obtain for me the grace to toil in the spirit of penance, in order thereby to atone for my many sins; to toil conscientiously, putting devotion to duty before my own inclinations; to labor with thankfulness and joy, deeming it an honor to employ and to develop by my labor the gifts I have received from Almighty God; to work with order, peace, moderation, and patience, without ever shrinking from weakness and difficulties; to work above all with a pure intention and with detachment from self, having always before my eyes the hour of death and the accounting which I must then render of time ill sent, of talents unemployed, of good undone and of my empty ride in success, which is so fatal t the work of God.
All for Jesus, all through Mary, all in imitation of Thee, O Patriarch Joseph! This shall be my motto in life and in death.
How the US will Defeat the CCP
The United States of America has far more farms, quarries and mines than the CCP...and they are more productive due to American productivity, creativity and grit.
The CCP long-range plan has the United States, Canada and Australia feeding their massive population.
They think they have this supply chain lined up due to their bribes to American politicians, academics, businesses, athletes, entertainers, media, and Hollywood moguls.
But they are mistaken.
Like millions of other Americans during the pandemic, I have moved from the corrupt CCPDNCCNN cities, suburb's and exurbs to a rural area.
The pandemic proved that we no longer need to live in those areas to live well, that a much higher quality of life could be enjoyed in rural America.
And there is a huge geographic rural area in America to be developed and to create a new American civilization.
It is happening everyday. A parallel American civilization is rising.
Where I live, I see hundreds of trucks from a nearby quarry drive by daily delivering the material that is building the new America.
As well, I see unbelievably productive, hard working, Christian farmers growing the nutritious food that feeds not just Americans but the world, including the Chinese people.
We can sell that food to the Chinese, but we do not have to.
It is our choice.
As the CCP has already shown that it will remove live organs from political prisoners, unleash a bioweapon on the people of the world, and will stop at nothing including bribing American politicians, academics, media, athletes, and businessmen to conquer the world, we know their game plan.
Yes, the own the Panama Canal and the majority of big shipping ports in the world.
Yes, they have an impressive manufacturing base, financial system, et.
But they are built on corruption and brides.
And we will defeat them.
How the Positives of the Pandemic will help us Defeat the CCP's Plans
In manmade and natural disasters, things become crystal clear.
When your very survival is in question, you tend to focus.
The Red Chinese flu did that for Americans.
The massive outmigration from the cities to the rural areas is not just due to the chaos, celebration of deviants, crime, high taxes and CCP-created decline of American cities, although that is a factor.
It is also due to the fact that those who have served this nation want their families to be safe.
So they are taking measures NOW to assure that safety.
They read truthful sources on China, like
and so many others, and do not follow the lies of the legacy corporate media that are controlled by the CCP.
Xi is lording over an empire that is about to fall apart as ALL commie dictatorships fall apart.
Just ask the Russians.
He is whining like a spoiled child, claiming power he does not have, and has handled the Covid-19 bioweapon horribly.
He released a bio weapon on his own people, then deviously released it on the world, had his overseas buyers purchase all the available personal protective equipment (PPE), and then sent his bioagents -- live Red Chinese workers -- all over the world to infect the world's population.
Sadly, the majority of the Chinese people believe the CCP lie that the Rona came from the United States, and not the Wuhan Lab.
Now, they are partially right.
The liar Fauchhhhiiii used a subcontractor to illegally funnel blood money to the CCP as they would conduct internationally outlawed bioweapon research for the CDC.
Fauchhhhiiii is the ultimate "White Monkey" being used by the CCP to spread their power, influence, and false story to American's and the world.
It is immoral...but that was never Fauchhhhiiii's strong point.
And he is not alone.
The legacy corporate media, Hollywood moguls, Wall Street financial titans, the National Basketball Association (NBA) and especially LaBron James, the Democratic Party leadership, BLMANTIFACIAFBIDOJPENTAGONETC, Twitter, YouTube, the intel agencies...all pushed the false narrative.
They ALMOST took down our nation by stealing our 2020 national election, pushing critical race theory, transgenderism, globalhomo, and other perversions to our children, and through a thousand other knife cuts.
But the Vets and Christians held.
And the Alphabet agencies have made clear in published reports they intend to go after Vets and Christians to aid their allies in the CCP to rule the American people, and the world's people.
Along with millions of other Vets, I did volunteer civil defense work.
We blocked them.
Because they have information dominance, their nefarious plan has been defeated, but this is not evident.
Like Satan when cast out of Heaven, they still have some power and are casting about for more victims, but in the larger and supernatural world they have been defeated.
How the Vets Plan to Save the American Republic from These Threats
To get an idea of what we plan, read Eddie Gallagher's newly released book: The Man in the Arena: From Fighting ISIS to Fighting for My Freedom.
Like Eddie, like many Vets, I am an American Irish Catholic, Baptized and Confirmed, and devout in my Faith in the Blessed Trinity.
We follow Christ and that is all we need to win.

We will save this Republic as we have saved Christendom for 2,000 years.
We are not going away.
For reference, here is the prayer of St. Patrick.
St. Patrick’s Prayer
May you arise each day
Through a might strength
The invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the three-ness,
Through confession of the oneness
Of the Creator of Creation.
May you arise each day
Through the strength of heaven –
Light of sun. Radiance of moon.
Splendor of fie, Speed of lighting,
Swiftness of wind, Depth of sea,
Stability of earth, Firmness of rock.
May you arise each day
Through God’s strength to pilot you,
God’s hand to guard you,
God’s shield to protect you,
God’s host to save you,
From snare of devils,
From temptations of vices,
From all who shall wish you ill,
Afar and near,
Alone and in multitude.
Christ to shield you this day
So that there come to you
Abundance of reward
Christ with you, Christ before you,
Christ behind you, Christ in you,
Christ beneath you, Christ above you,
Christ when you lie down,
Christ when you sit
Christ when you arise,
Christ in the heart of every
Person who thinks of you.
Christ in the mouth of everyone
Who speaks of you,
Christ in every eye that sees you,
Christ in every ear that hears you.