In a local meat market, the meat is healthier, cleaner, and more nutritious.
In truth, all the food products there are healthier. They do not have preservatives, chemicals, and other nonhealthy substances in them.
It has to be because the animal husbandry and farmers the meat store owners practice, often with a religious fervor (Amish, Mennonite, etc. yes, they answer to a Higher Authority).Although they get no attention or credit, their farming, animal husbandry, and meat store ownership practices are genius.
What they do daily is far more important than the 24/7 coverage the legacy media feeds you about what matters.
More importantly, their meat products are vital for your health and your family's future survival.
In addition to meat, they sell poultry, milk, eggs, butter, apple juice, cheese, honey, and many other food basics you and your family need daily.There are already, and there will be soon, serious manmade natural food disasters. I have never known anyone who has gone through a natural disaster who thought it would happen to them.
Presently, 99% of American think food shortages only happen somewhere else, not in the United States.
Most American have no idea what hunger means, let alone famine.

And to their survival during the upcoming manmade food shortage disaster.