The purpose of Poetslife is to promote the art and discipline of American Tactical Civil Defense for families and small businesses and to contribute practical American civil defense preparedness guidance for all Americans through my articles in the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense and leadership as the volunteer Vice President of TACDA.

Showing posts with label Farmers Markets: Solution to American Food Shortages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farmers Markets: Solution to American Food Shortages. Show all posts


Farmers Markets: Solution to American Food Shortages

Never did I think American mothers would not be able to get baby formula for their babies.

But just that happened in 2022.

This was the result of a manmade disaster. Overzealous federal government regulators closed baby formula factory production lines down. The result was a catastrophic baby formula shortage.

This is a disaster on one vector, but when a manmade disaster hits, as with the current food shortages and hyperinflation, natural disasters and other secondary disasters do not stop. They just get more difficult due to those food shortages and hyperinflation. So, you need to prepare yourself and your family for these realities.

Even if you can find the food your family needs, the hyperinflation means you may not be able to afford it. Studies show that over 60 percent of Americans now live paycheck to paycheck. That leaves little margin for extras, let alone basics like nutritious food.

But there is hope.

Get to Know your Local Farm Market Now

Do not wait for disasters to multiply. Get to know where your local farmers market NOW so you can use it wisely to mitigate food shortages.

Farmers markets offer fresh, highly nutritious, healthy, hearty, good food at a price that is usually less than grocery stores, big box stores, and certainly convenience stores.

Identify your nearest farm market. Fortunately, the Spring Valley Farm Market ( is down the road from us. They are a small family-owned farm that produces a large amount of food for other Americans.

Remember: Fresh food from the farm available in your farmers market is good for your health and immunity. Processed food from the factory, usually bad. 

Impact of the War on Fossil Fuels and Farmers

Due to the war on fossil fuels, the food shortages will only get worse. As proof, I offer the example of my brother-in-law and his orchard. He owns a small family-run orchard. Multiply his experience by millions of others of changes that are happening, and you will have an idea of what is going on.

He could not afford fertilizer this year as the cost quadrupled, or sprays as the cost tripled, or diesel fuels as the cost doubled.  All these inputs are necessary for him to produce apples, peaches, cherries, plums, corn, potatoes, asparagus, and other foods that feed other Americans.

And with only around 1% of Americans farming in 2022, you depend on his productivity to make sure your family has food.

He and his family will be fine as they grow all they need on their orchard. As he says, "The government can collapse and all it means to me is I pay less taxes."

But you will not be fine.

You will pay far more for what he is growing. And you will pay even more for what is passed through the middleman that you buy at the grocery, big box, and convenience store.

Study history. The Great Depression in the United States was preceded by a farmers Great Depression for ten years before it hit the rest of the American people.

And the time span for the impacts from his and other farms, orchards, and ranches on your family are far shorter these days.

For this reason, I moved to West Virginia from Maryland to be within one to five miles of food for my family within a few miles.

From my house, I can now buy eggs from 12 farms, fruits, and vegetables from 4 farm markets, meats, chicken, milk and more from the Mennonites, Amish, and other American farmers. 

If you are in a rural area like me there are farmer's markets everywhere. If you are in the suburbs, you are within driving distance of farmers markets. If you are in the city, well, not so much.

I include photos of my local farm market to show you just how healthy, nutritious, and beautiful the fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, and other foods are in this wonderful local market.

How TACDA Can Help

Search our decades of the Journal of Civil Defense to gain deep civil defense knowledge to survive the coming challenges. You can also find material to help your efforts at our Survival Store. has so many resources to help you and your family. Please visit our website, learn, and use them.

And develop the skills that will be necessary to make sure your family will survive and prosper. 

As always, remember the fundamentals:

1.    Grow your own food if you can.

2.    Build what you need to survive.

3.    Stay close to your family and friends as you will need them.

And pray always.