As his father, I was blessed to participate in the Eucharistic Liturgy with the priests and brothers of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity, Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with him. It's rare that you see so many priests, brothers, and nuns gathered in one place, and I have to say it created an atmosphere of holiness, rare in this world.
This much have I told you while I was still with you; the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will instruct you in everything, and remind you of all that I told you. "Peace" is my farewell to you, my peace is my gift to you; I do not give it to you as the world gives peace.
Do not be distressed or fearful. You have heard me say, "I go away for a while, and I come back to you." If you truly loved me you would rejoice to have me go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
I tell you this now, before it takes place, so that when it takes place you may believe."
At the bottom of this post is a framed scroll that hangs in their dining room.
It records the purchase of hundreds of Christian slaves from the Muslims for gold in Algiers in 1721.
The manifest for their purchase back is at the bottom of this post. The top lists the priests and other religious, the remainder are children.
They have a rule of "the Tertia pars" that one third of all income be set aside for the ransom of Christian captives.
Yes, sadly in 2012 they are still ransoming Christian "captives" (slaves) from the Muslims.