The purpose of Poetslife is to promote the art and discipline of American Tactical Civil Defense for families and small businesses and to contribute practical American civil defense preparedness guidance for all Americans through my articles in the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense and leadership as the volunteer Vice President of TACDA.


Hurricane Irene Lessons

Responding to Hurricane Irene

There was a father asleep with his wife and four small children when this tree fell on his lawn at 3 am in Mt. Airy, MD as hurricane Irene passed through. As you can see, by the grace of God and probably a few angels helping to lift it, the tree fell forward and away from his house. Now, the tree fell on electrical wires (electric utility, cable, and telephone), but they did not fall on him or his family.
The next day I went to check at Lorien, a local nursing facility that is fairly large. The staff confirmed all was good and the people there were safe. I confirmed that they have a large back up generator if power were to be lost. This is critical in long-care treatment facilities as so many depend on refrigeration for their medications, like insulin.
We were blessed on this one. 
We only got a Category 1 and not a 3 or 4, so for the most part, we kept power. 
The gentleman in the wheel chair across the street described it as "sounding like a bomb went off."
When the Mayor and I opened the Emergency Operations Center on Saturday, we were fairly well prepared. 
We distributed sand bags to local businesses in case of flooding and opened up communication channels up (Governor's Office) and down (local town workers.) Fortunately, just before the hurricane MEMA sent a contact name, phone and email. The mayor had spilled coffee on it, but it was there when we needed it to call in our sitrep. 
Because Mt. Airy is a located on a HUGE rock, we escaped the flooding that hit the low lying areas of Maryland.

Hurricane Irene Lessons

Emergency work gets the adrenaline a good way, as opposed to anger adrenaline, which one guy shot at us. 
At one point the mayor was talking to the Governor's office from his car in the middle of the street. I told him to put on his flashers. 
He did not. 
 So, some jackass goes by, stops, puts his arm out the window, and flips us the finger. 
 When I told the mayor, he laughed and said, "That guy doesn't know that under a declared emergency I can have him arrested for that!" 
We laughed and drove off to the next emergency. 
We were lucky with this one. 
After visiting a number of local housing developments, it is true that there are many, many Americans who are overweight and who depend on medicine for survival.
As my Feldenkrais instructor says, "Most Americans over 40 have broken bodies." 
From what I saw during this event, that is a reality,
Any evacuation or rescue attempt has to deal with this reality. Also, any emergency planning has to include this reality.
This has real consequences. Where 20 years ago only two first responder's could carry one American, now it may take three or four. 
Huge change with HUGE consequences.


Why I Love America

             I love America because of the wonder and spirit of American’s, their creativeness due to the gift of freedom, the beauty and grandeur of America, and because so many have given so much to the unique idea of America.

            One is my uncle, Frank J. Curley. He was a Lieutenant bombardier/navigator on a B-24 who believe in Americans and America so profoundly he flew 29 missions to protect, defend and preserve both. On February 10, 1945 he flew his 30th and final mission off Ha-ha Jima when Imperial Japanese Navy ack ack hit his bomb bay. Although he is listed as MIA (missing in action), given that other pilots in the bombing run stated the plane was a ball of fire he most certainly perished that day.

He volunteered for that mission. Another guy was sick, and he went for him.

            It took me 35 years to research and write his story (see It was so painful for my family, especially his younger brother by two years my father, they never talked about it.

            Frank J. Curley is one of over a million men who have give their lives in combat for this American idea, along with tens of millions of other men and women who have served as honorably but paid the ultimate price.

            Although I am not worthy of Frank’s sacrifice, I have tried to honor his sacrifice and spirt of giving by working (volunteer) with the American Civil Defense Association ( I first wrote for their Journal of Civil Defense (JCD), was invited to be a board member, and am now a vice president…a classic American progression from minor to major responsibilities if enough talent and grit are shown.

            My articles for the JCD include: WaterBricks for Safe Water Storage, Useful Emergency Communication tools, Children and Civil Defense, When State Hackers Take Aim at the Power Grid, Data situational Awareness: It’s about the Date NOT the Device, Surviving a House Fire: Lessons Learned, How to Write a Business Continuity and Disaster Preparedness Plan, Church Emergency Evacuation, Shelter-In-Place, and Lock-Down Plan…and others.

            I researched and wrote all these articles because I love America and American’s. I want to preserve and protect Americans and the beauty and grandeur of America, and because so many have given so much to the unique idea of America.

            I also served on the St. Michael the Archangel Safety and Security Committee. We have written an emergency response plan, tested it, run training exercises and prepared the staff and parish members for the full threat matrix (active shooter, tornado, fire, and other man-made and natural disasters.)

            Before we began, like many churches we had no outside cameras on the building, church staff and religious education teachers were untrained in emergency disaster response, and everyone, from the priest to the preschoolers’ did not know how to act before, during or after an emergency.

            After three years of writing the emergency response plan, testing it in multiple exercises for various emergencies, and training the staff, parishioners, adults, teens, tweens and wee ones, everyone is better prepared.

            Americans are unusual. Our history of sacrifice and innovation is unmatched in world history. Despite what God and freedom hating Marxists, including the ones who work and walk among us and their media enablers, falsely push, most Americans are a force for good in this world.

            If you doubt that, imagine if the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) succeeds in its plans to replace America as the dominant world power.

What do we get?

Organ harvesting of live humans, forced labor and human slavery, mind control via media manipulation, religious persecution, hatred of foreigners, racial injustice and discrimination, 24/7 video tracking and surveillance, and no freedom of thought, spirit, or action. All work and tasks are directed to increase the power and wealth of the one percent of the population that is a CCP member, the rest of the nation lives in grinding poverty.

            Does this sound extreme? Look at the way hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens along the Yangtze River in 2020 who have been experiencing heavy rainfall, mudslides, swollen rivers, flooding, destruction of their property, crops and death…what has the CCP done for them?


            In contrast, what does America do for American’s before, during and after such a natural disaster? Where the CCP provides nothing, American’s are given food, shelter, medical treatment, counseling, and money to start again.

            To start again as Americans because they have an American mind, body, soul and spirt. In contrast, to the CCP, people are nothing.




Civil Defense Tools to Protect Your Children

Protect Your Family

This being Father's Day 2008, reflect on what you need to do to protect your wife and children should an emergency strike.
My experience when our house burned down (Tip: Keep all your identity papers, computer passwords, financial and insurance information in a fire proof box) has taught me that if you stick to the basics, the basics will save their lives...and yours.
Emergency preparedness, response, mitigation, and management can seem so complicated it is often neglected by fathers. Still, when a disaster strikes, your family will turn to you for what to do.
Make sure you are ready to look them in the eye and state clearly what to do by preparing in the present for the future disaster. Weather being the weather and human nature being human nature, you will be called on to take care of your family in an emergency. Below are some links to get you started.

There is a thick Southern voice I first heard in the U.S. Air Force that plays in my head when I think of, plan for, and act in emergencies: "Details will save your life!!!" And they will. Preparing the right plan with the right supplies that is unique to you and your family IN ADVANCE is all you need to remember. 
The rest is easy.
Keep in mind that the government is a reactionary force in emergencies. 
Like the police, they react to the event...often painfully slowly...and you are on your own. (See: Aesolp's fable The Ant and the Grasshopper.)
Tip: insurance companies have been dealing with emergencies for years and have excellent tools USAA, for example.)
Plain emergency management is like plain English: everyone understands it and the job gets done. Just as plain English is often hard to find, so too plain emergency management...but it is out there.
Tip: Use free resources such as the American Red Cross, CERT video training, and
the National Incident Management System for the emergency management professionals. Your job is to make sure there is enough of everything (bug out kit [i.e. emergency supplies] antibiotic cream, bandages, water, food, solar flashlights and lights, fully-charged cell phones, and a communication plan, solar charger for your laptop) in place to make it through the first critical 72 hours of the event.
Emergencies seem to strike at the most unlikely time.
Be prepared to react and overcome.
God bless you in your efforts and may you, and God, protect you and yours if and when disaster strikes.
As my own departed father used to say, "God helps those who help themselves." Amen.


Coronavirus Safety Kit

Some basic science about the Wuhan Coronavirus here

If you want to build a safety kit to be ready for the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus to your area, build a kit that emphasizes prevention.
And purchase a real wearable barrier to keep the air borne droplets from landing on you or breathing them in. North American Rescue (Products With A Mission) has excellent, tested and proven products that provide a barrier between your system and the air borne virus.
Visit their website for barrier products that work. Here is one: Biological Personal Protection Kit
You have seen everyone in China using bleach to disinfect, but that is not always safe or effective. It’s kind of like the surgical safety masks they are all wearing. They are better than nothing, of course, but they are not 100% effective.
Instead, purchase and store bottles of hydrogen peroxide. It is a safe, inexpensive and effective disinfectant and antiseptic. And it has multiple prevention uses.
The great advantage of iodine antiseptics is their wide scope of antimicrobial activity, killing all principal pathogens and, given enough time, even spores, which are considered to be the most difficult form of microorganisms to be inactivated by disinfectants and antiseptics.
I learned the wonder of hydrogen peroxide working on an anthrax project in 2002 to clean out anthrax spores in post offices where they had been released. 
A British company charged our government an enormous amount of money for a secret cleaning formula that was mostly, yes, hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide has so many uses to fight this pandemic. For example, when you return from the grocery store with fruits and vegetables that someone who is infected has been near and breathed on, wash them in hydrogen peroxide when you get home to mitigate the risk of that microbe getting into your system.
Also, be sure to clean your shopping bags with which you brought home the fruit and vegetables.
Hydrogen peroxide has so many uses in preventing coronavirus. Below are a few from 50+ nifty uses for hydrogen peroxide for your home, garden, and body

  • “Hydrogen peroxide can work wonders on soothing a sore throat. There are a couple ways you can do it. You can either gargle a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and warm, boiled water, or you can dip a depression stick in 3% peroxide and coat your tonsils.
  • We all know (unfortunately) that there is no cure for the common cold. However, the symptoms can be managed and shortened with the use of hydrogen peroxide. Create a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, salt, and baking soda then rub inside nasal passages – it will help draw out any infections and kill bacteria.
  • As trips to the grocery store may be restricted as in China, you will need to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh longer. Did you know hydrogen peroxide can help extend the life of your fruits and vegetables? Fill your kitchen sink with water and add a quarter cup of food grade hydrogen peroxide. Soak your produce for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry. You’ll be amazed how much longer it stays fresh.
  • Makeup brushes can become a breeding ground for bacteria – thankfully, they’re very easy to clean. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with water and soak your brushes for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse the brushes with water then let them dry. Do this once a week for clean, bacteria-free brushes.”

Cleaning with bleach is effective, but not really safe. Hydrogen peroxide is just as effective, but safe. 
Think of it this way. 
Would you rather clean your children’s toys in a solution of bleach or hydrogen peroxide?

So, with a good barrier such as the Biological Personal Protection Kit and hydrogen peroxide, you are better prepared.To survive, we need to stop thinking as individuals and must think as a community! 

Scientific background and answers about the Wuhan Coronavirus found here.
The American National Disaster Medical System is stress tested yearly. It will experience an actual test this year. I have every confidence they will succeed.
Note: Toilet paper alternatives may be found here and here.
Ultraviolet (UV) germicidal lamps, or florescent germicidal black lamps, are a measure you can take to disinfect. Source
All the people who have panicked and bought out the toilet paper supply at groceries are not doing themselves or the American community any favors.
But now that they have, we need to address the alternatives to toilet paper that work and are sanitary.
It is too long to go into here, but go to the excellent Provident Prepper lesson here for practical and available alternatives to toilet paper.

For example, get a thermometer! 

With a thermometer, you can monitor your temperature to see if you have a fever. If you have a mild cold or flu, you do not need to go to the hospital. 
Call your doctor or your nurse and tell them about your symptoms. You do not need to overwhelm emergency rooms if you notice you have a fevor.
In addition, if you are healthy, if you sit in an emergency room for hours you could pick up the virus.

Stop hording surgical and N95 masks! 

They are needed by health professionals and those who do have symptoms at the hospital. For current statistics on the outbreak, see here.
For accurate information on the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus in plain English from a doctor, see here and here.
As the steps to prevent any flu, including the Wuhan flu, are widely known (frequent hand washing, keeping hands away from your nose or mouth, maintaining a safe distance of at least 3 meters from others, avoiding crowds, etc.) I will cover two additional steps here:
  1. Purchase and use a real wearable barrier
  2. Purchase and use the antiseptic and disinfectant power of hydrogen peroxide.


Civil Defense Lessons of Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic

: Impact of the CCP Total Control on Relief:  
The CCP has always been corrupt, power mad, and controls every aspect of life...even donations from foreigners. Americans in New York sent face masks that are in short supply to China via the Red Cross. Here's what happened. 
The Red Cross in communist China, like the Catholic Church, is owned by the CCP. 
So...they seized the American donated face masks, demanded money for forwarding them,  and are selling them for a profit.

Additional Resources
Here are some of my past CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) presentations that may be useful for this event. The detection and mitigation matrix at the end may be especially helpful.

Scientific background and answers about the Wuhan Coronavirus found here.

Every crisis offers lessons for how to prepare for the next one. The Wuhan Coronavirus crisis offers many because it is global and some are reacting to it with rational planning while others are reacting with irrational fear.
I maintain this post as a grab bag of that reaction, a junk drawer if you will, of how we responded to it.
Many lessons are to be found there that I will mine later with perspective you can only gain from a distance from the event.

The American National Disaster Medical System is stress tested yearly. It will experience an actual test this year. I have every confidence they will succeed.
What to consider when divesting your factory in China. Source
"For more than a year we’ve been relentlessly writing about how China has become so much riskier for manufacturing and how so many companies that manufacture in China are desperately looking to move their manufacturing elsewhere. I predict that at least 50 percent of the American and European companies that do all of their manufacturing in China today will have moved at least 50 percent of that manufacturing out of China within the next 2-3 years. As Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes Senior Reporter for Emerging Markets, put it in his recent article, Coronavirus Could Be The End Of China As A Global Manufacturing Hub: “The new coronavirus Covid-19 will end up being the final curtain on China’s nearly 30 year role as the world’s leading manufacturer.” Source
Stagflation hits China after the Coronavirus begins to pass. Source
For market analysis of the Coronavirus market correction, see here.
For current statistics on the outbreak, see here.
Fed is quarantining dollars from Asia Source
For accurate information on the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus in plain English from a doctor, see here.
For reference, this was an analysis of the Wuhan Coronavirus when it started. Source

China has alot splain to do Source
Unintended Impact: Japan is paying parents to stay with their at-home children. Source

Why Does China Get a Pass Source

CCP has been very good at hiring American talent to further its interests.
#KevinSheekey was fired by Senator Moynihan for lying about a deluxe vacation with a wealthy DNC donor.  Sheekey uses Blooomberg's billions to threaten critics and purchase silence and complicity. His ties to the #CCP should alarm voters
Quote Tweet
Kevin Sheekey, @MikeBloomberg's campaign manager, met with deputy head of Publicity Department, CCP Central Committee on May 8, 2018, about 6 months before the midterm elections on which Bloomberg spent $80 million to flip the House to the #Democrats.  

Using Force Majeure, most Chinese companies will fail to deliver product and then get away with it without consequences SourceBecause the coronavirus is making it difficult for Chinese companies to fulfill their contract obligations, many Chinese companies have asserted force majeure in an effort to excuse their failures. The media has been all over this issue. See e.g., General Counsel Pondering How to Handle China’s Force Majeure Claims (Corporate Counsel), Chinese firms use obscure legal tactics to stem virus losses (The Economist), Chinese copper traders declare force majeure over coronavirus (Financial Times). 

How Coronavirus Kills and How We Prevent That (from an Emergency Room Doctor)  here.

World markets overreact to the Wuhan Coronavirus . Source
What CDC Wants you to Know Source

CDC Action Plan if Wuhan Coronavirus Hits U.S. Hard Source
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outlined Tuesday what schools and businesses will likely need to do if the COVID-19 virus becomes a pandemic.
Schools should consider dividing students into smaller groups or close and use “internet-based teleschooling,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters on a conference call.
“For adults, businesses can replace in-person meetings with video or telephone conferences and increase teleworking options,” Messonnier said.
She said local communities and cities may need to “modify, postpone or cancel mass gatherings.” Hospitals may need to triage patients differently, add more telehealth services and delay elective surgery, she said.
“We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this is going to be bad,” she said. “Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools and everyday people to begin preparing.”
Last week, U.S. health officials started warning businesses, schools and parents to start preparing for the deadly new coronavirus that’s infected more than 80,000 and killed at least 2,700 to become a global pandemic. The localized outbreaks in places such as Italy and Iran are fueling concerns among infectious disease experts and scientists that the virus is spreading too quickly and may be past the point of containment.
“I understand this whole situation may seem overwhelming and that disruption to everyday life may be severe. But these are things that people need to start thinking about now,” Messionnier said Tuesday. “You should think about what you would do for child care if schools or day cares closed.”
The CDC late Monday confirmed 53 cases in the U.S., a majority of which came from passengers repatriated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was quarantined off the coast of Japan. The data shows that 36 of the cases are attributed to the cruise ship, three patients were infected in Wuhan and later evacuated to the U.S., and the rest were largely infected while traveling overseas.
Just two cases were contracted through person-to-person contact in the U.S., the CDC said.

CDC Says we have 30 million surgical masks...but need 300 million Source
U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said there will likely be more cases of coronavirus in the United States as he asked a Senate subcommittee to approve $2.5 billion in funding to fight the outbreak after proposing cuts to the department’s budget. Azar said the funding would help the U.S. expand surveillance systems for the fast-spreading virus, support state and local governments, help development of vaccines and therapies and expand stockpiles of protective equipment like surgical masks. He said the U.S. currently has a stockpile of 30 million surgical masks, but HHS estimates suggest the country needs 300 million masks. —Reuters

12:01 pm: CDC outlines what closing schools, businesses would look like in US pandemic 
The CDC outlined what schools and businesses will likely need to do if the COVID-19 virus becomes an epidemic outbreak in the U.S. Schools should consider dividing students into smaller groups or close and use “internet-based tele-schooling,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters on a conference call. “For adults, businesses can replace in-person meetings with video or telephone conferences and increase teleworking options,” Messonnier said. She said local communities and cities may need to “modify, postpone or cancel mass gatherings.” Hospitals may need to triage patients differently, add more tele-health services and delay elective surgery, she said. “We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this is going to be bad,” she said. Lovelace, Feuer

Dupont 500 acre Richmond VA Factory Runs 24/7 to Manufacture PPE Suits Source
Wuhan Coronavirus forces university classes to go online Source
Pandemic hits Italy hard. Source Cult in South Korea main cluster for pandemic spread due to close up prayer sessions SourceWestern financial markets are realizing the impact of the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus Flu. Source.Johns Hopkins University maintains a worldwide spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus Flu map here.The most current and accurate information about the Wuhan coronavirus flu pandemic is on Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic podcasts.
Amazon cracks down on fake Coronavirius cure companies. Source
With lockdown, online banking and purchasing surges. Source.
Wuhan Coronavirus is spreading to wider populations, like prisoners. Details here.
China Uses its Soft Power to get ASEAN Countries to Bend to its Will  SourceChina Coronavirus financial costs to airlines. Source
With lockdown, online banking and purchasing surges. Source.
Wuhan Coronavirus is spreading to wider populations, like prisoners. Details here. 
The CCP will direct all health, manufacturing, culture, social media, transportation, foreign policy, and associated tasks under the guiding principle: Does this maintain and increase CCP power or threaten it? So health considerations are secondary to their staying in power. Here is an excellent analysis of this fact.

On February 20, 2020, NASDAQ had the following listing of the economic impact of the Wuhan Coronavirus on various markets of the world economy. Source
"With today’s headlines dominated by COVID-19, a special briefing issued by Dun & Bradstreet concerning the global impact of the shutdowns across large parts of China ought to have investors’ attention. 

  • The areas affected with 100+ confirmed cases as of February 5 are home to over 90% of all the active businesses in China.
  • Just under 50% of the companies with subsidiaries in the impacted areas are headquartered in Hong Kong, 19% in the US, 12% in Japan and 5% in Germany.
  • At least 51,000 companies worldwide and 163 of the Fortune 1000 have one or more direct “tier 1” suppliers in the affected region. Nearly 1/10th or 938 of the Fortune 1000 have one or more “tier 2” suppliers in the affected region.
  • The impacted provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing, and Shandong account for 50% of China's total employment and 48% of total sales volume. China as a whole generates around 20% of global GDP. If the containment continues beyond the summer, Dun & Bradstreet estimate that global GDP growth could be reduced by a full percentage point.On Monday Moody’s revised its global growth forecasts down by 0.2%, forecasting G-20 aggregate growth of 2.4% in 2020 and China falling to 5.2%. China has experienced an averaged GDP growth rate of 9.5% from 1989 to 2019 with a record high of 15.3% in 1993 and a record low of 3.8% in 1990. It's last four quarters saw rates of 6.4% (Q12019), 6.2% (Q2), 6.0% (Q3) and 6.0% (Q4).
Japan’s economy shrank at an annualized rate of -6.3% in the December 2019 quarter, far faster than the expected 3.7% drop. We’d note this marks the first decline in five quarters for the country GDP, which is being attributed in part to the sales tax hike that hit consumer and business spending. Paired with the fallout of the coronavirus, we could see the country hit a technical recession during the current quarter. Japan is the top tourist destination for residents of Beijing.
The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for the Eurozone fell by 15.2 to 10.4 in February from 25.6 in January, substantially below the expected reading of 30 for the month. 

The February ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment reading for Germany fell to 8.7 from 26.7 in January, missing the 21.5 consensus, with the assessment of the economic situation component dropping to -15.7, down 6.2 points from January. The suspected reason behind the February tumble is the impact of the coronavirus on the German economy. China is Germany's third-largest export partner, accounting for 7.2% of all exports in 2018 with the United States and France accounting for 8.7% and 8.1% respectively.

FDA Suspends Drug Inspections in China,  Warns of Supply Shortages
"Supply disruptions could extend to other areas as 80 to 90 percent of U.S. health care products—raw materials, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and finished products—are outsourced mainly from China, he said.
Moreover, the production of many active pharmaceutical ingredients is centered in China’s Hubei Province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said on Feb. 12 at a Senate committee hearing.
“Most drug makers have a one to three months of inventory of drug ingredients on hand. But these supplies are already being drawn down,” he said in his testimony." 
Rosemary Gibson, Hastings Center, co-authored the book, “China RX: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine,” which makes the case for bringing drug manufacturing home."

China Uses its Soft Power to get ASEAN Countries to Bend to its Will  Source

China Coronavirus financial costs to airlines. Source

U.S. Relief Supplies Reach China
China said on Wednesday that it had received 16 tonnes of supplies from the United States, including face masks and other protective gear. Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that China hoped the US would deliver on its promised US$100 million donation to help contain the outbreak, made on February 8.  Source

Why coronavirus cases are higher than Chinese estimates here.

China's GDP Impact of the Wuhan Virus is not 1% but 20% to 30%
"We are not talking about “maybe” a one percent decline in GDP growth. No. We are talking about what I have to believe is more like a 20 to 30 percent decline. We are talking about an economy that is not really functioning."
"The fear is so deep that I don’t think there will be a snapback. It will take a long time before people will feel comfortable gathering in groups. All the reunion dinners, company gatherings, and family gatherings will take a while before they return to normal. Until they come back to normal, I don’t see the Chinese economy coming back to normal."

Wuhan Coronavirus spreads to South Korea. Source

Impact on global high tech industry here.

Analysis of the Wuhan Virus Impact on Asian supply chain. Source

Ripple Effect: Korea, Japan stock markets take a hit. Source
First, Dr. Sasha Hu, Chinese doctor, has a good video about how to mitigate flu infection, here.
The reality of what is going on in Wuhan can be heard here. and here
Excellent law and business analysis can be found on the China Law Blog.
The biggest lesson is that the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) secrecy, deception and food health policies led to the Chinese Wuhan flu and to its worldwide spread.
EVERYTHING with the CCP involves propaganda. The Jamestown Foundation does a great job of breaking down their skulduggery here
It has led to monumental unintended consequences. I list a few below.
Here is a good Wuhan Virus infographic for background.
As several times before, the CCP sought to hide the latest Chinese Coronovirus. Their secrecy and deception have led to unnecessary illness for thousands and deaths for hundreds...and it is only beginning. See here

Chinese Factories will Reopen Slowly due to Worker Blacklisting
"Last week, the government of Suzhou, a major manufacturing hub in Jiangsu province, which is known for its silk products, asked local communities to tell workers from Hubei and Zhejiang provinces not to return until further notice. This employee “blacklisting” was echoed by other cities, including Wuxi in the south of Jiangsu, which banned migrant workers from at least seven provinces."  Source
Impact of one billion Chinese workers not manufacturing product is just beginning. Source.
Read about CCP lying, deception and secrecy here:

Global Economic Impact
Indeed, the battle to contain the epidemic brought much of the world's "second-largest economy to a standstill. The Chinese provinces most affected by the coronavirus are home to 49,884 branches or subsidiaries of foreign corporations, including nearly 9,500 American operations, according to Dun & Bradstreet." Source

Alternative Social Media Provides the Truth the CPP Hides
Citizen journalists, independent bloggers and Vloggers, Twitter and Instgram posters, are all providing independent observations of what is going on in China under the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic. Here are just a few.
#wuhan #doctors #hospitals #wuhancity#students #china #coronavirus #kerala#chinesepresident #xijinping #infected#peoplesliberationarmy #pla #wuhanuniversity#governmentofindia #virus #firstcase #patient#hospitals #corona #ill #sick #trending#truescoopnews #truescoop #Newschannel#testedpositive #Newschannel

CCP Made Doctor Who Discovered Wuhan Coronivirus Sign Secrecy Form - He Died Li Wenliang, HERO, Photo via CNN
"However, Li, along with seven other doctors who shared information about the outbreak, was summoned to the local police and forced to sign a letter promising to make no further disclosures concerning the disease".
Li Wenliang, one of the eight doctors who tried to alert authorities about the coronavirus when it was first emerging in Wuhan only to be reprimanded by local police, has died, Chinese media reported.
Li, 34, an ophthalmologist at the Wuhan Central Hospital, was found to be infected with coronavirus on Saturday and died on Thursday.
The same day that the doctor shared the messages, local health authorities announced that the city had confirmed 27 cases of a new type of virus, most of them linked to a seafood market.
However, Li, along with seven other doctors who shared information about the outbreak, was summoned to the local police and forced to sign a letter promising to make no further disclosures concerning the disease.What a great doctor. Source

American Company Blasts Live Coronovaris Dead
Coronavirus can live on planes for 28 days. Here is a remarkable American company that has a machine that can go down airplane aisles and destroy the virus. Remarkable. Source
Largest Socialized Medicine System in the World Fails Horribly
The communist medical system in China did not have nearly enough hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses, medical supplies, diagnostic equipment, medicine, personal protective equipment, or anything near adequate resources to handle this epidemic.
All the communist lies about the high standard of living in contemporary China are exposed.
The building of the three field hospitals in Wuhan to address this inadequacy provides as much of a solution as the Potemkin Villages in the Soviet Union did for starvation.
Even if the CCP had not lied and tried to hide the extent of the epidemic, the third-world state of their medical system would have meant that the disease would have spread anyway.
The CCP emphasis on building the three field hospitals to handle the crisis defies reality.
Why their military was not able to stand up numerous fully operational, manned and equipped field hospitals as our military can indicates how inadequate their military is as well.
See story here.
"Many people from Hubei who tried to get into Hong Kong (for better health care) have been stopped at the border, have stayed in Shenzhen, and this may trigger Shenzhen’s infection cases to skyrocket to the point where people are ordered to stay home" Source.

Analysis of what wearing a mask daily does to human interaction here.

American Private Sector Helps Chinese Citizens
We’ve also facilitated the delivery of vast amounts of medical supplies to the Chinese people. Just last week, the State Department helped transport 17.8 tons of relief supplies to Hubei. And more assistance will continue to be offered — the United States is prepared to spend up to $100 million in existing State and U.S. Agency for International Development funds to assist China and other impacted countries to contain and combat the virus.
"While [U.S. Department of] State managed the logistics, the donations themselves were provided by Samaritan’s Purse, Boeing, Intermountain Healthcare and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and coordinated by a nongovernmental organization called Project HOPE. Time and again, when diseases and disasters strike, the American people have stepped up to help citizens of other countries without being asked. Our robust charitable giving and enthusiastic civil society groups are channeling the American people’s concern for their fellow man."  Source

Without a Cure There is only Guessing
One of the greatest problems with a new coronavirus such as the Wuhan one is that no doctor, scientist or government bureaucrat knows what it is at first. So they guess as to cause and transmission. Source

CCP Refuses CDC Expertise
Further proof of CCP secrecy and totalitarian bad planning is that President Trump has repeatedly offered the expertise of the U.S. Center for Disease Control but the CCP refuses it. Like any totalitarian government, they would rather their people die than accept help. Source.

CPP Culture of Coverup
Revelations from doctors, whistle blowers, and government officials demonstrate that a culture of cover-up and deceit within the Chinese Communist Party’s bureaucracy contributed to the disease’s spread.
In order to avoid political blame, authorities didn’t disclose to Chinese citizens details about the disease nor the true scale of the outbreak. Information about the first infected patients in the disease epicenter Wuhan was omitted, while authorities restricted testing of the disease, thus effectively capping the number of people who could be diagnosed.
As a result, many Chinese were unaware of the perils until it was too late. Source
Chinese Military Runs 1,000 Bed Hospitals - No Transparency
Chinese military now operates the mega-hospitals built in Wuhan. Result? Secrecy, data manipulation, patients being held in prison-like cells. Yet, China as a member of the World Heath Organization has agreed to provide data and transparency, something the Chinese People's Army has never been known to exhibit. Source

Alternative Media Offers Truthful News
For example: offers Dr. Steven A. Hatfill's decades of experience and pandemic expertise in this area.
PeriscopeTV is another good one to search. I went to a number of scopes in China and Hong Kong to learn about this pandemic. For example, Steve King Live on Hong Kong Radio RTHK Radio 3, besides offering great music, has frequent news breaks that are honest.The CCP is delusional in this digital age when it thinks it can prevent its citizens from getting news from alternative sources.
Unintended Consequences

I am learning many, many lessons from this outbreak. Here are a few:

Private Companies are Saving Chinese People Where CCP has Failed
"Ironically, while the Chinese military has been behind in its mobilization, the private sector has stepped in to fill the void. In the face of medical supply and health services gaps, there are numerous examples circulating of individuals donating relief supplies or helping those in need. E-commerce giant Alibaba established a 1 billion RMB ($144 million USD) special fund to directly purchase medical supplies from home and abroad and send them to hospitals in Wuhan and Hubei on a regular basis. It also created detailed plans for mobilizing domestic production capacity and coordinating production and procurement of medical supplies, while also provided hundreds of meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at two hospitals in Wuhan, free of charge." Source

Medical Specialists Hit Hardest
Those who help and treat those infected pick up the infection. Source

People's Army may be a Paper Tiger
The CCP People's Army has been tasked with using it's long logistics empire to mitigate the Chinese coronavirus outbreak. They have failed.Source

CCP AI and Facial Monitoring Fails Due to Face Masks
The CCP's massive AI and facial recognition program that depends on camera's has failed due to the face masks everyone is wearing that cover the face. Source

"U.S. Chinese-Dependent Companies take Huge Revenue Hit
The majority of US firms with operations in China expect a virus outbreak to cut revenue this year, and some are accelerating plans to shift their supply chains out of the country, according to a poll by Shanghai’s American Chamber of Commerce.
Nearly a quarter of the firms forecast revenue would fall by at least 16 per cent this year due to the outbreak, while over a fifth said it would decline by 11-15 per cent. Only 13 per cent of respondents said revenue would see very little or no impact from the virus" Source.

USPS Suspends Mail for China
Due to no flights going to China, USPS suspends mail service to China, Hong Kong, Macau. Source.

CCP Welding Apartment Residents Inside
Because of confirmed #Coronavirus infection inside the apartment, residents doors are being welded shut. Source

Panic Buying
Unfortunately, panic buying is to be expected in any disaster. Just look at each hurricane that hits the U.S., and that is predictable. This coronavirus pandemic is not predictable in advance. So, as this this story about Hong Kong, human nature is to panic and buy items they are afraid will be in short supply. The lack of information from the Chinese authorities exacerbates it, and it spirals out of control. So it goes. Source.

Interrupted School Attendance and Exam Taking
"Portions of Hong Kong’s university entrance exam along with the Primary Six exam for secondary school placements could be pushed back by a much as a month or cancelled entirely as the spread of the coronavirus continues, the education minister announced on Thursday.
Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung Yun-hung also said that a scheduled reopening of schools on March 2 would need to be reviewed closer to the date." Source

Global Supply Chain with China will Radically Change
Now that the global supply chain that has been dependent on China for 30 yeas is being shattered, risk adverse companies will withdraw from the mainland and relocate elsewhere. It was a trend that was already beginning. Now, it will accelerate. See here.

Impact on Logistics and Manufacturing
There are far more questions (Will Chinese workers return to work? What are the disruptions to logistics?) to answer. The only thing everyone agrees on is that no one trusts the data coming our of Beijing. More details here and hereAnd here.
Church Drops Handshake, Changes in Mass Due to Wuhan Pandemic here.
And factory workers cannot return as inventory is depleted. Source

Just in Time Logistics May be Over
Closed factories in China are negatively impacting the global supply chain and creating questions about the future of just in time logistics. Source
Impact on Small Manufactures and Businesses
Due to their size and limited ability to survive even a limited lack of revenue, the greatest impact of the  Chinese coronavirus may be small manufacturers and businesses. Source and here.

Airline Flight Cancellations
One of the most critical infrastructure pillars of modern life is unimpeded airline travel. People and goods are transferred around the world via air travel. The China coronavirius led many nations and airline companies to cancel all flights to and from China. Source.
Cathay Airlines Asks 27,000 Employees to Take Unpaid Leave
Hong Kong-based airline Cathay Pacific is asking all of its 27,000 employees to take three weeks of unpaid leave over the coming months as Hong Kong’s flagship carrier reels from the impact of the deadly coronavirus on air travel. Source

CCP and Taiwan Division Widens
Due to the policy of the CCP isolating Taiwan on all fronts, Taiwan is not even allowed to belong to the World Health Organization. Result? Taiwan is frozen out of getting the critical coronavirus data from the WHO. Source

Online Shopping Mitigates Store Closures and Stock Impact
Apple Corporation has an interesting statement after they closed their stores in China.
"Apple is following the trend of McDonald's, Starbucks, and other US companies that have retail stores/footprints within China," Daniel Ives, the managing director of equity research at Wedbush Securities, said.
Ives noted that consumer purchases of iPhones and Apple products in the region have "already taken place in the lead up to the start of the Chinese New Year," and that Apple had strong sales for December and January as well as strong year-over-year sales.
With the vast majority of sales happening online, "we view a one week closure of Apple stores as having a negligible impact thus far despite the scary and concerning headlines from the region," Ives added.
"While the coronavirus outbreak is a sad situation and concerning headline for investors, for the stock we believe the fundamental impact from this issue to Apple’s top-line is negligible," he wrote." Source.
Authorities Cannot Control the Entire Message in Pandemics
Worldwide, people have had varying reactions to the Chinese coronavirus, from seeking more information to panic. It demonstrates that with billions of people using social media daily, even the CCP with its remarkable worldwide power and influence, especially over social media, cannot control the message. See here
Cruise Ships are a Clear and Present Contagion Danger
Most of the analysis of the spread of pandemic viruses focus on how rapidly a virus can spread due to modern commercial airline travel. Far less attention is given to the same threat from cruise ships. Yet, with thousands of passengers, effectively cruise ships are modern floating cities. One example of this threat is detailed here. 

Starbucks Closes Thousands of Stores
Global Airline Cancellations: American Airlines, British Airways, Lion Air, and Seoul Air are suspending all flights to China with Air Canada with select flights. Royal Caribbean and Carnival cancelled cruises in China. Patients in Wuhan spitting on doctors to purposely infect them (the ultimate unintended consequence).

Tracking Wristbands for Potential Carriers
Hong Kong has put tracking wristbands on potential coronavirus carriers from Hubei.

Dishonest Businessmen Taking Advantage:
Panic Buying
McDonald's Closes
Global Supply Chain Disruption:
Rumors Cause Death of Pets
Grim images show cats and dogs who were reportedly thrown from tower blocks in China after a rumor circulated claiming that the animals spread the coronavirus. Full Story here. One dog was found dead after allegedly being thrown from a tower block in the Heyuan Guohe Garden area of Tianjin City in China’s Hebei Province.

Parents Abandon Children at Airport
Shocking pictures have emerged in China showing two children reportedly abandoned by their parents over fears that they had the deadly coronavirus. The couple left their young son and daughter behind at Nanjing Airport in the eastern province of Jiangsu after they were stopped from boarding the plane because the boy had a fever.

7,000 Cruise Ship Passengers Quarantined
Two passengers on a cruise ship are feared to have caught coronavirus, leaving 7,000 passengers and crew trapped onboard. The Italian cruise ship Costa Smeralda is being held at Civitavecchia close to Rome while tests are carried out on a Chinese couple with fever. More here.

Drones Spraying Disinfectant
China has deployed an army of drones to disperse disinfectant over villages and cities in the latest attempt to combat the spread of coronavirus. Not sure how effective this will be, but it is proof of my idea that drones will be useful, and increasingly used, to cope for natural and man made disasters. Here is where I asserted this after the Mount Airy tornado. See here.

When Citizens Disobey Official Edicts
Rumors Cause Death of Pets
Grim images show cats and dogs who were reportedly thrown from tower blocks in China after a rumor circulated claiming that the animals spread the coronavirus. Full Story here. One dog was found dead after allegedly being thrown from a tower block in the Heyuan Guohe Garden area of Tianjin City in China’s Hebei Province.

When Citizens Disobey Official Edicts
A woman was dragged out of a supermarket and pinned to the ground after allegedly refusing to wear a mask as China deals with the coronavirus outbreak. Footage dated January 29 shows the shopper, identified only by her surname Qiu, resisting two uniformed officers as they eject her from an aisle of the Space supermarket in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Story here.

The CCP created a fake story that the wildlife Chinese food markets created this Wuhan virus. All the time they knew it was created in the Wuhan lab, much of it financed, it came out almost two years later, by Dr. Faucies and the National Institute of Health.