Some basic science about the Wuhan Coronavirus here
If you want to build a safety kit to be ready for the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus to your area, build a kit that emphasizes prevention.
And purchase a real wearable barrier to keep the air borne droplets from landing on you or breathing them in. North American Rescue (Products With A Mission) has excellent, tested and proven products that provide a barrier between your system and the air borne virus.
Visit their website for barrier products that work. Here is one: Biological Personal Protection Kit
Visit their website for barrier products that work. Here is one: Biological Personal Protection Kit
You have seen everyone in China using bleach to disinfect, but that is not always safe or effective. It’s kind of like the surgical safety masks they are all wearing. They are better than nothing, of course, but they are not 100% effective.
The great advantage of iodine antiseptics is their wide scope of antimicrobial activity, killing all principal pathogens and, given enough time, even spores, which are considered to be the most difficult form of microorganisms to be inactivated by disinfectants and antiseptics.
I learned the wonder of hydrogen peroxide working on an anthrax project in 2002 to clean out anthrax spores in post offices where they had been released.
A British company charged our government an enormous amount of money for a secret cleaning formula that was mostly, yes, hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide has so many uses to fight this pandemic. For example, when you return from the grocery store with fruits and vegetables that someone who is infected has been near and breathed on, wash them in hydrogen peroxide when you get home to mitigate the risk of that microbe getting into your system.
Also, be sure to clean your shopping bags with which you brought home the fruit and vegetables.
Also, be sure to clean your shopping bags with which you brought home the fruit and vegetables.
Hydrogen peroxide has so many uses in preventing coronavirus. Below are a few from 50+ nifty uses for hydrogen peroxide for your home, garden, and body
- “Hydrogen peroxide can work wonders on soothing a sore throat. There are a couple ways you can do it. You can either gargle a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and warm, boiled water, or you can dip a depression stick in 3% peroxide and coat your tonsils.
- We all know (unfortunately) that there is no cure for the common cold. However, the symptoms can be managed and shortened with the use of hydrogen peroxide. Create a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, salt, and baking soda then rub inside nasal passages – it will help draw out any infections and kill bacteria.
- As trips to the grocery store may be restricted as in China, you will need to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh longer. Did you know hydrogen peroxide can help extend the life of your fruits and vegetables? Fill your kitchen sink with water and add a quarter cup of food grade hydrogen peroxide. Soak your produce for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry. You’ll be amazed how much longer it stays fresh.
- Makeup brushes can become a breeding ground for bacteria – thankfully, they’re very easy to clean. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with water and soak your brushes for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse the brushes with water then let them dry. Do this once a week for clean, bacteria-free brushes.”
Cleaning with bleach is effective, but not really safe. Hydrogen peroxide is just as effective, but safe.
Think of it this way.
Would you rather clean your children’s toys in a solution of bleach or hydrogen peroxide?
So, with a good barrier such as the Biological Personal Protection Kit and hydrogen peroxide, you are better prepared.To survive, we need to stop thinking as individuals and must think as a community!
Scientific background and answers about the Wuhan Coronavirus found here.The American National Disaster Medical System is stress tested yearly. It will experience an actual test this year. I have every confidence they will succeed.
Note: Toilet paper alternatives may be found here and here.
Ultraviolet (UV) germicidal lamps, or florescent germicidal black lamps, are a measure you can take to disinfect. Source
All the people who have panicked and bought out the toilet paper supply at groceries are not doing themselves or the American community any favors.
But now that they have, we need to address the alternatives to toilet paper that work and are sanitary.
It is too long to go into here, but go to the excellent Provident Prepper lesson here for practical and available alternatives to toilet paper.
For example, get a thermometer!
With a thermometer, you can monitor your temperature to see if you have a fever. If you have a mild cold or flu, you do not need to go to the hospital.
Call your doctor or your nurse and tell them about your symptoms. You do not need to overwhelm emergency rooms if you notice you have a fevor.
In addition, if you are healthy, if you sit in an emergency room for hours you could pick up the virus.
Stop hording surgical and N95 masks!
They are needed by health professionals and those who do have symptoms at the hospital. For current statistics on the outbreak, see here.
For accurate information on the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus in plain English from a doctor, see here and here.
As the steps to prevent any flu, including the Wuhan flu, are widely known (frequent hand washing, keeping hands away from your nose or mouth, maintaining a safe distance of at least 3 meters from others, avoiding crowds, etc.) I will cover two additional steps here:
- Purchase and use a real wearable barrier
- Purchase and use the antiseptic and disinfectant power of hydrogen peroxide.