(For an analysis of an EF-5 in Joplin, MO, see here.)
There was no warning from the National Weather Service, on TV, or from local media. It just struck.
The NWS website here shows the early path of the tornado.
For more background, Mike Smith, the author of When the Sirens were Silent: How a Warning System Failed a Community has a first-rate analysis of how false tornado warnings mean many ignore warnings for real tornados here. Also, see Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed Nature.

Miraculously, there were no deaths caused by it.
Find a few simple necessary civil defense supplies (like potassium iodate) at the American Civil Defense store here.

Miraculously, there were no deaths caused by it.
Find a few simple necessary civil defense supplies (like potassium iodate) at the American Civil Defense store here.
Here is an incomplete summary of the damage from the National Weather Service:
- Canopy at High's store was partly torn off
- TJ Maxx roof was lifted up and partly removed
- Trees down behind the Twin Arch Shopping Center near the water tower
- Silo destroyed and roofs partly blown off outbuildings at Knill's Farm Market
- Power poles snapped on Watersville Road (meriting the 100 mph wind estimate)
- Five pine trees snapped at a residence on Watersville Road
- Minor structural damage at several homes on Arrowood Circle
- Multiple hardwood trees snapped in the 6000 block of Runkles Road
- Trees uprooted east of Runkles Road on Gillis Falls Road

For local media accounts of the tornado after it happened, see:
Fox News
Carroll County Times
Patch Westminster
Carroll County Times
Baltimore Sun
Fox News
Patch Westminster
Carroll County Times
Baltimore Sun
Lessons Learned Due the Tornado
1. The Media Only Reports Part of the StoryThe Media concentrated on the damage to the stores while the greater damage was to the Knills Farm right behind the stores, the Nottingham development, and the double telephone lines on Watersville Road. There was extensive damage to a large dog kennel and numerous houses around Runkles Road. This and other damage was never
reported. Most got their story filed that night and then they moved on.
2. Dishonest Contractors will Always Show up Post Disaster.
3. Your Insurance Only Covers Part of the Cost
(What is extraordinary about Mt. Airy is that the Mayor and citizens immediately organized to help those most hurt financially by the tornado, and especially those without insurance.)
4. Drones are the Future of Planning for and Recovering from Natural and Man-Made Disasters.
As you can see from the aerial photos of the path of the tornado here this is a new technology that will have a huge impact on damage assessment, emergency management planning, civil defense strategic planning insurance claim validation, children's education, and for other uses we cannot even imagine right now.
I helped write the Town of Mount Airy Emergency Management Plan. It would have been useful to have had this technology when we did so.
6. Human Ties are Critical to Successful Disaster Response and Recovery
Every successful response to and recovery from a disaster I've seen depends on people who love and care for each other taking action. Rather than explain, I offer this post for the Town of Mt Airy website that demonstrates this.
Knill’s Farm Update-
From the Town of Mt Airy website: Image of the Nov 2 Tornado Path as surveyed by our Town Engineer, Barney Quinn and Asst Town Engineer, Chaslyn Derexson. Red circles indicate where severe damage was observed (likely some locations were missed).
Good governance results in a good response to a bad natural event, as here.
The town coordinated with the Carroll County Emergency Management Office to bring in extra fire, police and emergency medical technicians.
For life to return to normal, tree and vegetation removal is essential after every natural disaster. Below are examples (Carroll County notice) about how it is done.
8. Neighbors Must Help Neighbors

There were so many acts of kindness like this that I cannot mention them all.
But the central truth of these acts of charity hold: neighbors must help neighbors. The Town of Mt Airy had already set up a Disaster Relief Fund and the town website encouraged those who needed direct assistance to apply. " There is an application process. Call Ellie Bonde at 301-829-8300 Blossom and Basket Boutique. Only money is distributed. Email address: mtdisaster@gmail.com." The Disaster Relief Application Form is below.
What Must be Done
As with all natural disaster planning, the fundamentals must be repeated.
1. Learn IN ADVANCE what you must do to prepare to save yourself, your family, your pets, and your neighbors when disaster strikes.
2. Stockpile, within reason, items you will need to survive (water, food, medical, electronic, etc.).
3. Exercise for an event. Make if fun with children. This is vital. You will discover holes in your plan, supplies, contacts, etc. you will need to fill.
They Mayor's Report November 2018
The November 2018 Mayor's Report includes an excellent and brief analysis of what happened during and after the Mt. Airy tornado.
The letter below is a blue print for how to react calmly, professionally and cooperatively as a well oiled machine to prevent the loss of life and damage to property during and after a natural disaster.
Team Mount Airy - Tornado Response
On Friday evening, November 2,
2018, the town was hit by a tornado with winds up to 90 miles plus per hour.
This resulted in extensive damage to commercial structures, homes, and utility
services. The Town’s role was mainly one of support and coordination, ensuring
those unfamiliar with the community kept vital access routes to communities
open by providing emergency services and equipment throughout the event.
Follow-up efforts will continue throughout the week as well as updates on storm
recovery operations. Twin Arch Road was fully opened today.
We need to thank many others, that worked behind the scenes but whose roles were just as important as those who were more visible during the emergency. Thanks firstly to our residents that showed amazing resiliency and humanity to each other. Together you chipped in to restore normalcy, provide housing, essential services, worked to clear roads and open access to private homes, etc. as needed. Many thanks to your Town Council members Peter Helt, Larry Hushour, Bob King, Jason Poirier and Patty Washabaugh who all chipped in manning Town Hall as an Emergency Shelter, providing much needed refreshments with a warm greeting to our utility crews and first responders.
We know that those actions go a long way. We also had chainsaw wielding Council members, YES, they were out there with chainsaws too. Our amazing town staff that worked behind the scenes mostly, using large equipment to clear roads, keeping emergency generators running to ensure you received uninterrupted water and sewer services.
Again, thanks to the Mount Airy
Volunteer Fire Company (MAVFC) and Chief Kenny Stull who were all out there in
the rain Friday night securing our commercial areas that were literally torn
apart. Life safety measures, getting gas lines, etc. secured was the priority
and we are grateful for their swift and capable emergency response measures.
Thank you to Chief Reitz and Lieutenant Snyder who along with other MAPD Officers
assisted in various roles throughout the event. No major injuries were noted.
Team Mount Airy, Working
Together, Weathered a Tornado!! Thank you all!
To View a video of the damage to an access road to one of the Mt. Airy water towers, click:
Tornado Damage Video. This was one of the hardest hit areas. The road by Knill’s Farm and to our waste water treatment plant directly behind Home Goods. We came very close to catastrophic essential facility damage. Please forgive my amateur video skills and note the large trees snapped like tooth pics. It was more horrific in person.

Bonus Tip: If you read this far, know that the inventor of the computer is buried in Mt. Airy MD in the back of the Pine Grove Chapel at 787 Main Street. Here are photos of his gravestone. For more information, see here, and here, and here.To View a video of the damage to an access road to one of the Mt. Airy water towers, click:
Tornado Damage Video. This was one of the hardest hit areas. The road by Knill’s Farm and to our waste water treatment plant directly behind Home Goods. We came very close to catastrophic essential facility damage. Please forgive my amateur video skills and note the large trees snapped like tooth pics. It was more horrific in person.