* To promote civil defense to protect American moms, dads, children and grandchildren and small business owners
* To provide prior civil defense material for my American Tactical Civil Defense Substack
* Through Poetslife, my civil defense blog posts for 23 years, to give Americans practical civil defense planning, strategy, preparedness, lessons, and templates, to not just survive, but to triumph over emergencies and disasters and to be better prepared for the next one
* Through my volunteer work as the vice president of the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) to teach practical American civil defense planning, strategy, and preparedness through advice, leadership, strategy, and my articles in the TACDA Journal of Civil Defense.
refused us shelter because we arrived at 3 a.m. after an all night drive.
That first night we slept on the beach by the nun's convent near the lighthouse.
* Through Poetslife, my civil defense blog posts for 23 years, to give Americans practical civil defense planning, strategy, preparedness, lessons, and templates, to not just survive, but to triumph over emergencies and disasters and to be better prepared for the next one
* Through my volunteer work as the vice president of the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) to teach practical American civil defense planning, strategy, and preparedness through advice, leadership, strategy, and my articles in the TACDA Journal of Civil Defense.
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The Kind of Woman to Marry
Dear Josh and Eamon,
Dear Josh and Eamon,
We didn't go to the islands or Paris on our honeymoon.
We went to Cape May, NJ,
where the proprietor of a B&B

That first night we slept on the beach by the nun's convent near the lighthouse.
It was freezing and my new bride (your mother) and I clung to each other for warmth.
Since that night, many others have slammed doors in our faces.
Since that night, many others have slammed doors in our faces.
Always, we've clung to each other near the outgoing tide and laughed with each sunrise after the cold, harsh night.
So marry a woman like that...
So marry a woman like that...
one like your mother...
one who shelters you from the cold and dark...
both human and nature.
Love, Dad