"Pilate said, "So, then you are a king?"
"Jesus answered, "It is you who way that I am a king. I was born for this, I came into the world for this, to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice."
"Truth? What is truth?!? Pontius Pilate John 18:37-38 33 A.D.
"Quid est veritas?! The Media 2018 A.D.
Hoaxed - Everything they Told Us is a Lie

Just remarkable on so many levels and in so many ways.
It makes the case that the corporate media has been lying to us for decades...and worse, getting away with their lies. And more worse, people have died and continue to die due to their lies.
More importantly, it presents proof...turning the tables in interview after interview to show how they lie and to what end.

When I watched Hoaxed I came away with the knowledge that the corporate media has been rationally and irrationally applying lies to succeed toward a predetermined end. That predetermined end is the lies they present as truth as they present it, convey it, create it, support it, and maintain it.
But Hoaxed, and other trends, have gone beyond old media and are creating alternative.
I cut the cable cord three years ago and get basic antenna TV.

But there is wonderful alternative news out there providing creative, critical thinking, content.
For example, I watch Mike Closer on TheBestCloser show via the Periscope app on my cell phone in the morning and the evening.

The show is completely interactive with viewers contributing much of the content.
It is real, authenticated news because he actually verifies his sources, stories, and guests.

As evidence of the change, a month after that interview 60 Minutes got 3 million Twitter impressions. Mike Cernovich got 83 million. Who do you think is winning the future of who controls the news?

"All Media is Narrative. And We Are in a War of Narratives" Mike Cernovich
"The Media is Designed Not to Inform You But to Keep You Uninformed"

"This is political warfare" Alex Jones
"They (The Media) Want Control of the Narrative" Lauren Southern
"We Are Told by the Media What the World Is" Stefan Molyneux
"They Are Much More Interested in Finding Villains" James Damore

"We are Not OK with You Lying to People and Misleading Them" Tom Poole
"Falsehoods have consequences. That's what makes them falsehoods." Jordan Peterson
"One thing that is interesting is to have someone like Mike making a documentary about fake news is that it's owning the term that has been directed at him." Ryan Holiday
"Until it happens to you, you can't really understand how powerful the fake news is." Scott Adams"
"They plant these ideas in your head."
"People who have been printed in the media a lot can start to identify who is fake news." Cassie Jaye
"I've been lied about repeatedly. My friends have been lied about. I don't have to frame them. I just have to talk about what they've done." Mike Cernovich
And read Who is Mike Cernovich here.