Personal Honor
I am old enough to understand what personal honor, honesty, integrity, and decency mean.All were drilled into me by the St. Joseph nuns at Holy Angels Grade School in West Oak Lane in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
What used to be a bunch of Micks is now a Vietnamese school...and isn't that the story of America?
So I sent President Trump a number of articles and think pieces about American Civil Defense.
In a miracle that happens everyday in America, my ideas actually got to the desk of the President.
I supported Donald Trump in 2015.
Many mocked me, including my two older brothers, and laughed at me.
In truth, I didn't care.
I wanted a businessman running the country.
That is President Donald Trump.
Despite the slings and arrows of the Hard Left Opposition Media, he stands.So many wealthy Left investors were shocked at the Facebook and Twitter stock drop.
Not me or many Constitutionalists.
We've been banned from the public square by them.
So we communicate via Email, blog, Periscope, cell phone...anywhere we don't get banned, censored, resisted, or oppressed.
And we have created platforms of our own that are not dependent on Amazon, Twitter, Google, Apple, and their CCP overlords.
They don't realize we're the majority, even if they don't know any of us.
People like me, and there are many of us, admire Donald Trump's fortitude, strength, vigilance, and love.
Yes, love.
I've seen it so many times.
They don't realize we're the majority, even if they don't know any of us.
People like me, and there are many of us, admire Donald Trump's fortitude, strength, vigilance, and love.
Yes, love.
I've seen it so many times.

But the clearest case for me is when he went out of his way to embrace the 7-year old dressed in a U.S. Marine outfit visiting the grave of his Dad.
And Donald Trump invited that child and is mother to stand with him at the 2018 Punch Bowl Veteran's Day ceremony.
I downloaded the photo of President Trump hugging that young boy.
It stands by my computer.
And what empathy for the death of a great man who sacrificed himself for this country, and the pain of his wife and child he left behind, means to this nation.
CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC/Google/Hollywood/Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Ballless Kimmel, Barak Hussein Obama, Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Pedophiles (especially Epstein/Clinton), New York, California, Washington Post, New York Times...oh, it's endless...the "resist" zombies...and their financiers (Soros, Tom Steyer, etc.) will never understand.
A revolution happened when Donald Trump was elected.
It is as real as when the Great Awakening happened in 1740 that enabled the Revolution in 1776.
War is Waged over Ideas
I have studied the French and Indian War.
I have studied George Washington.
I have studied Benjamin Rush, William Penn, John and Abigail Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Locke, Adam Smith, Rosseau, Aristotle, Plato, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas Moore, etc.
I have studied the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, the War on Terror, the hundreds of conflicts forced on this nation.
In the war of ideas, and combat is just the result of the war of ideas, the better ideas always win.
Theodore White taught us that in his great book In Search of History.
And the better ideas are Republicanism and Judeo-Christianity.
For decades I have debated communists/socialists/progressives/lefties/democrats.
They argue "forces" determine history.
I have always argued that individuals -- Aristotle to Christ to Donald Trump-- determine history.
Even with the corrupt opposition media's 365/24/7 assault on the ideas, actions and followers of Donald J. Trump, even they cannot deny he is a force of history.
They may not like it, but they have to admit it.
President Trump, or his underlings, wrote to me twice.
That is a businessman's attention to detail.
He sends me emails like these:
And Donald Trump invited that child and is mother to stand with him at the 2018 Punch Bowl Veteran's Day ceremony.
I downloaded the photo of President Trump hugging that young boy.
It stands by my computer.
As a reminder of what sacrifice means.
And what hard work means.And what empathy for the death of a great man who sacrificed himself for this country, and the pain of his wife and child he left behind, means to this nation.
CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC/Google/Hollywood/Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Ballless Kimmel, Barak Hussein Obama, Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Pedophiles (especially Epstein/Clinton), New York, California, Washington Post, New York Times...oh, it's endless...the "resist" zombies...and their financiers (Soros, Tom Steyer, etc.) will never understand.
A revolution happened when Donald Trump was elected.
It is as real as when the Great Awakening happened in 1740 that enabled the Revolution in 1776.
War is Waged over Ideas
I have studied the French and Indian War.I have studied George Washington.
I have studied Benjamin Rush, William Penn, John and Abigail Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Locke, Adam Smith, Rosseau, Aristotle, Plato, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas Moore, etc.
I have studied the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, the War on Terror, the hundreds of conflicts forced on this nation.
In the war of ideas, and combat is just the result of the war of ideas, the better ideas always win.
Theodore White taught us that in his great book In Search of History.
And the better ideas are Republicanism and Judeo-Christianity.
For decades I have debated communists/socialists/progressives/lefties/democrats.
They argue "forces" determine history.
I have always argued that individuals -- Aristotle to Christ to Donald Trump-- determine history.
Even with the corrupt opposition media's 365/24/7 assault on the ideas, actions and followers of Donald J. Trump, even they cannot deny he is a force of history.
They may not like it, but they have to admit it.
President Trump, or his underlings, wrote to me twice.
That is a businessman's attention to detail.
The Vile, Vulgar, Violent Left Resist Campaign
Like many Constitutional Traditionalists, I have watched the campaign of the Left to oppose the President's campaign with violence and vulgarity go from bad to worse. Think ANTIFA.
What was done to heretics in the Middle Ages is amateur league compared to Dems, the media, social media tycoons, Hollywood producers, actors and actresses in their ability to use culture, social media, the schools, and deep state to silence any views that do not fit their accepted orthodoxy.
Also like many, the true Left believers, their atheism and socialist to communism fanaticism drives their daily lives and actions.
This is true even in my own family.
He has raised serious money for the Democrats, so much that he was seated behind Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.
He enforces socialism in all the unions that he represents.
He reminds them daily that Republicans and independent thought are forbidden.
He tells them they are only allowed to vote for Dems.
Anyone who disagrees is identified and finds no work.
My oldest brother is retired and watches CNN, MSNBC and PBS religiously.
He reads the New York Times daily and considers every word of it Gospel truth.
His wife is a Marxist feminist gender studies professor and dean who teaches at a Catholic college.
This will amuse you when you see her husbands anti-Catholicism as expressed in his emails to me.
Back when we were in contact, the would write me tweets and emails like this all day long.
Chaos King & Dystopian tRump gives a dark & truthless speech @ U.N. There are not enough pejorative adjectives to adequately describe how this Illegitimate President is destroying the fiber & heart of America!!!
At his Rally last night tRump confessed his love for Kim Il Jong. Cut-off from his usual supply of compliant bimbos by the glare of the Oval Office. the Orange Man has turned to man-love to fill his beastie needs!!!
You know it! I turn off the t.v. when he appears in it I switch the radio dial when his voice is played. I don’t read news stories about him. I keep asking God to take tRump home but he insists the Orange One is Earth’s penance for past sins!!!
"We have yet to touch upon the Catholic Church's pedophilia problem and
the Pope blaming Devils and asking for Saints to intercede after he
has elevated pedophiles to be Bishops. The existential threat to the
Catholic Church is internal and will play out in the next 10 years.
Here's a prediction you will like: The Cafholic Church will crumble
and disappear before the American Left."
has elevated pedophiles to be Bishops. The existential threat to the
Catholic Church is internal and will play out in the next 10 years.
Here's a prediction you will like: The Cafholic Church will crumble
and disappear before the American Left."
Ok, the gloves are off.
I pulled my punches in my email but you came back with a personal attack.
So here goes. My honest, heartfelt response to your efforts to shape the truth through the lens of your personal & political biases.
"Maybe you should look at the Trump Cult you and your son joined.
His Facebook Page is a sterling example of White Nationalism with its’ racist posts."
Trump: How do you support a man who has lied, not misspoke, but lied more than 4000 times (cf. NYT)?
How do you support a man who stole $431 Million dollars from his father’s estate (and siblings)?
How do you support a “business man” who drove six (6) businesses into bankruptcies?
I know, lies & conspiracies all, right?
As a Catholic, how do you support tRump Administration keeping migrant children (10,000+) in tents in the Texas desert with no plan to reunite them with their parents?
Twitter: I’m busted! I post 240 characters at a time and appreciate the opportunity to counter the Rights’ lying posts. I get 10,000 impressions (views) a month on average. Some individual tweets have gotten 2500 looks.
He used to be creative, highly intelligent, a very good writer, in fact.
Now, he is a political hack.
Whatever the legacy media spouts...he believes.
He is clueless about how the CCP's information dominance controls his thinking.
I don't think I am alone in this split in my family.
It is going on everywhere.
God only knows how it will end.
Every day I include him in my rosary.
Prayer works where I fail.
I have no idea how to deal with his unrelenting ideology.
He wrote to me that my research on my Uncle MIA Frank Curley was a fetish due to my failure in the United States Air Force.
Not sure where he got that.
He and his wife are "intellectuals."
She has a PhD in psychology so I guess that is where he got that dozy.
He does not know me, but presumes to judge me.
Lefty stuff.
So I keep my distance to protect my family.
And protecting ones family is, after all, what it is all about in the end.