On September 11th, 2016 I
awoke and checked my cell phone around 8:30.
There was a message from the Mayor of
Mt. Airy at 2:02 a.m. asking me to write him a speech for the 911 ceremony.
I went to work on it immediately (duty, honor, country).
I went to work on it immediately (duty, honor, country).
In half an hour, partially due to having done the same several years in the past for this ceremony, I was
able to create the following speech for him to give.
Mount Airy Mayor 911 Memorial Speech
September 11th,
Good afternoon Mount Airy friends
and neighbors:
As St. John says so
beautifully in the biblical verse John 15: “Greater love hath no man than this that
a man lay down his life for his friends.”
We are here today to honor
that Christ-like sacrifice by the men and women who laid down their lives to
save us on 911, and the firefighters, police officers and emergency medical
technicians who have continued to do so in the 15 years since.
Mount Airy residents
Commander Volk and Chief Warrant Officer Ruth who gave their lives in the Pentagon
assault that day join a long line of military Sons and Daughters who served and
lost their lives for their country.
Many of the names on the Veteran memorials
in front of you are of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our

CWO Ruth, Marine Corps
Pilot who in Vietnam evacuated the dead and wounded under heavy enemy fire went
on to earn a Master’s degree when he returned from the war.

They are truly Christ-like
in their courage, strength, humility, grace, tenderness, and grit countering
daily the horrors that radical Islamic terrorists unfortunately visit on
Americans and so many others each day.
These brave men and women
are the tip of the spear. When terrorists strike, we count on them to defend
and protect us. And the amazing thing is, they do each and every time. Think
about that for a minute.
So we pray for and give
thank all our military, law enforcement and emergency responder's who put their
lives on the line every day for our safety and freedoms.
We had a physical and
spiritual life before 911 and we have a New Life now because Christ never told
us it would be easy.
So, please, let us
celebrate our New Life together.
God bless you...God bless
Mount Airy...and God bless America

Announce the display of the Chapel Flag at half staff in honor of the day.
Command, "POST THE COLORS" - Harry Wolfe
Post the Flag at Half Staff - Wolfe, Clemente and selected Boy Scouts.
Call for the Pledge of Allegiance - Harry Wolfe
Opening Prayer by Al Yeater, Chaplain of VFW Post 10076
Acknowledge Participants:
Lcpl Deane Detachment, Marine Corps League
Young Marines, Carroll County Unit
American Legion Post,191
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10076
Boy Scouts Troop #460
Cub Scouts Troop #460
Boy Scouts Troop #1191
Cub Scouts Troop #1191
Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company
Maryland State Police, Mount Airy Detachment
Introduce Speakers:
Mayor Patrick Rockinberg
Recognize any members of the Town Cuncil
Mount Airy Police Chief Doug Reitz
Landon Becker, Caommander VFW
Ann Wilson, Commander American Legion
Chris Deboy, Jennifer Vauk's brother-in-law that worked with LCMDR Ronald L. Vauk
Battalion Chief gary Hubble B Shift - Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Deput Fire Chief Scott LeGore - Washington Dulles International Airport
Both were Firefighters/Paramedics at National Airport on 9/11/2001

At this time, two wreaths in honor of the two local service members who perished at the Pentagon 15 years ago will be presented, while the playing of Amazing Grace by Dale Gardner a retired Battalion Chief from the Howard County Department of Fire & Rescue Services.
Lcpl Deane Detachment, Marine Corps League
Young Marines, Carroll County Unit

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10076
Boy Scouts Troop #460
Cub Scouts Troop #460
Boy Scouts Troop #1191
Cub Scouts Troop #1191
Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company
Maryland State Police, Mount Airy Detachment
Introduce Speakers:
Mayor Patrick Rockinberg
Recognize any members of the Town Cuncil
Mount Airy Police Chief Doug Reitz

Ann Wilson, Commander American Legion
Chris Deboy, Jennifer Vauk's brother-in-law that worked with LCMDR Ronald L. Vauk

Deput Fire Chief Scott LeGore - Washington Dulles International Airport
Both were Firefighters/Paramedics at National Airport on 9/11/2001

At this time, two wreaths in honor of the two local service members who perished at the Pentagon 15 years ago will be presented, while the playing of Amazing Grace by Dale Gardner a retired Battalion Chief from the Howard County Department of Fire & Rescue Services.
He is a piper wit the Fire Brigade Pipes & Drums of Greater Baltimore.

The first wreath in honor of LCMDG Ronald L. Vauk will be placed by Ann Wilson, American Legion Commander and State Trooper Jonathan Horner, MSP
The second wreath in honor of CWO Willliam Ruth will be placed by Landon Becker, VFW Commander and ana member of the Mt. Airy Volunteer Fire Company.
Benediction by VFW Chaplain Al Yeater
Honor Volley, LCpl Deane Detachment Fire Party of the Marine Corps League
Taps by Lucas Spiros, a member of the VFW of Mt. Airy, Post 10076
This concludes the ceremony
Thank you for your attendance
Note: When so many other Americans have moved on and no longer remember the sacrifices made that day for our freedom, I pray we never forget.

The first wreath in honor of LCMDG Ronald L. Vauk will be placed by Ann Wilson, American Legion Commander and State Trooper Jonathan Horner, MSP
The second wreath in honor of CWO Willliam Ruth will be placed by Landon Becker, VFW Commander and ana member of the Mt. Airy Volunteer Fire Company.
Benediction by VFW Chaplain Al Yeater
Honor Volley, LCpl Deane Detachment Fire Party of the Marine Corps League

This concludes the ceremony
Thank you for your attendance
Note: When so many other Americans have moved on and no longer remember the sacrifices made that day for our freedom, I pray we never forget.
This Mount Airy 911 Patriot’s Day Ceremony
at Pine Grove Chapel is one outstanding way that, together, we meet that goal.