An EOC (Emergency Operations Center) is found in over 4,000 counties in the United States of America.
Every day plans are made, volunteers are trained, plans are exercised, equipment is purchased, technology is mastered, communication systems are upgraded, mutual aid agreements are signed, politicians are briefed, emergency personnel are trained, and contacts are established...all to reduce the loss of life and damage to property due to man-made and natural disasters. History is the record of such events. EOCs are the anodyne. NIMS is the theology.
Volunteer for CERT, learn about NIMS, save lives and protect property. These are pictures of my EOC and its support facilities. Yours will be different, but the mission is the same. Together, we can protect, preserve, and continue this great American experiment.
On 5.23.2008, I took my ICS - 100: Introduction to ICS class. The instructor was Lenny Yox (he's the gent in the tan shirt). Like so many in this field, he brought years of experience fighting fires, saving lives, setting up emergency operations, understanding human nature and history, and wisdom to his tasks. There are tens of thousands like him throughout this great land, and I thank God they are out there.
He made the point that 99% of what you will deal with is due to nature and only 1% the jihadi's, which is the same percentage when I used to do civil defense work in the 80's with natural disaster being the majority and the Soviet nuclear threat the 1%. However, like then, the greater threat in terms of catastrophic damage is those who hate us and want us dead.