Dabble... What the Dewey Decimal System is to organizing the books and media of libraries, Dabble is to organizing the chaos of video on the Web. Dabble understands that broadband access has created the pipeline and influence that only Hollywood has enjoyed to date...but unlike Hollywood, they care about the individual. They help filter out "what is not safe for work", which is valuable to many workers, companies, and families. And...it's FREE! Join! PodTech ... is a portal to Web 2.0 and all the technology, companies, and geeks who are changing the way the world works. They are doing a first-rate job of recording, analyzing, defining and presenting CES 2007. Robert Scoble works there everyday. Enough said. The Scoble Show is worth checking out daily, as was (and is) Scobalizer.
Rocky Mountain Voices and The Next Gear are two of my favorites.