The purpose of Poetslife is to promote the art and discipline of American Tactical Civil Defense for families and small businesses and to contribute practical American civil defense preparedness guidance for all Americans through my articles in the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense and leadership as the volunteer Vice President of TACDA.


Local Farm Markets to Deal with Food Shortages

"Owned and operated by Eli and Misty Cook. One of the main reasons I just moved to West Virginia was to be close to ample food supplies. For a variety of reasons, I saw what was coming several years ago. Food shortages are coming. Know where your local farm market is to make sure you and your family have plentiful and nutritious food..Located in Augusta, WV. Produce grown straight from the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.Irrigated from the cool springs that flow through the valleys of Spring Valley Farm. Spring Valley Farm and Orchard is 800 acres of diversified fruits and vegetables. Hope you enjoy our products. Thanks and God Bless, Eli and Misty Cook, Augusta, WV 26704, 304 496 7788" From the Spring Valley Farm and Orchard Eli & Misty's Apple Cider.
The Current American Food Shortage
Never did I think American mother's would not be able to get baby formula for their babies, although this may not be a bad thing. Maybe it will wake American parents up to how they need to prepare for their children's survival in an unusual time.

Mother's breast milk is a miracle. It provides babies with strength, comfort, growth, immunity from germs, viruses, and bacteria...and so much more. Goat's milk is the 
next best for nutrition and immunity, and then cows milk.

This country was built on cheap energy (coal, nuclear, natural gas, fossil fuels) and cheap food. Those days are over. Prepare for the new reality. Never in a million years did I think I would be seriously talking about food shortages in the United States of America, but given the war on fossil fuels, here we are. For those who still doubt we are in a critical time feeding our families, I recommend you read this article from the Army Times.  Army families have not had the dual assaults of hyperinflation, high interest rates, supply line interruptions, poverty, and incompetent national leadership since after the oil shocks of the 1970's.

Here is a sample of the financial and other difficulties military members are facing.

"We spend $200 a week on gas driving to work, medical appointments, school and sports. We now shop exclusively at the commissary although the shelves are often empty due to supply issues,” she said.
“We would like another child but we just can’t see how we could afford it. We are very stressed out about finances and something needs to change quickly,” said the officer, an O4.
“My husband and I say often, ‘We’ve never earned so much but felt so poor.’ "
Those who responded all cited food and gas prices as a top concern, and there are plenty of ripple effects."

Secondary Disasters are Coming on top of the Hyperinflation Disaster

With this food shortage manmade disaster, understand that there are secondary's. 
When a manmade disaster hits, as with this hyperinflation and food shortages, natural disasters and other secondary disasters will happen. It is a weird synchronicity. As we are in hurricane season, a Hurricane Agnes disaster can come on top of this hyperinflation and food shortages and would be an example of a secondary.Keep in mind that The American Civil Defense Association, the charity for whom I am a volunteer vice president and for whom I write articles for the Journal of Civil Defense
Search our decades of the Journal of Civil Defense to gain deep civil defense knowledge to survive the coming events. You can also find material to help your efforts at our Survival Store. has so many resources to help you and your family. Please visit our website and use them.
Reminder: As always, remember the fundamentals:
  1. Grow your own food.
  2. Build.
  3. Stay close to your family and friends as you will need them.
If you cannot grow your own food, at least identify your nearest farm market. Fortunately, the Spring Valley Farm Market is down the road from us. They are a small family owned farm that produces a large amount of food for other Americans.

Baby formula, as it is processed and manufactured in a factory, should be the last choice. 

Remember: Food from the farm, good. Food from the factory, usually bad. 

Impact of the War on Fossil Fuels on Cost to Farmers

Due to the war on fossil fuels, the food shortages will only get worse. I offer the example of my brother in law and his orchard as an example. Multiply his experience by millions of others of changes that are happening and you will have a fair analysis of the chaos coming.

He owns an orchard. It is a small family-run orchard. 

He could not afford fertilizer this year as the cost quadrupled. He could not afford sprays as the cost tripled. He could not afford diesel fuels as the cost doubled.

All of these inputs are necessary for him to produce apples, peaches, cherries, plums, corn, potatoes, asparagus, and other foods that feed Americans.

He and his family will be fine as they grow all they need on their orchard. As he says, "The government can collapse and all it means to me is I pay less taxes."

But you will not be fine. You will pay far more for what he is growing. And you will pay even more for what is passed through the middle man that you buy at the grocery, big box, and convenience store.

Study history. The Great Depression in the United States was preceded by a farmers Great Depression for ten years before it hit the rest of the American people.

Time spans for impact from farm to family are far shorter these days.

Get to Know Where your Local Farm Market is and Learn to Shop there Now

For this reason I moved to West Virginia from Maryland to be within one to five miles of food for my family within a few miles of my Almost Heaven.

From my house, I can now buy eggs from 12 farms, fruits and vegetables from 4 farm markets, meats, chicken, milk and more from the Mennonites, Amish and other American farmers. 
I live in a cornucopia of agricultural wealth and I thank God for bringing my family here when the chaos hits.

If you are in a rural area like me there are farmer's markets everywhere.

If you are in the suburbs, you are within driving distance of farmers markets.

If you are in the city, well...

There is a HUGE homesteading movement going on in this nation. 

It gives me great hope we will survive and triumph despite the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) buying off our top politicians to take us over without firing a shot. With the CCP buying up our farm land and agricultural processing industry.

I include photos of my local farm market to show you just how healthy, nutritious, and beautiful the fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, and other foods are in this wonderful local market.

Grow your own food.


We are in for a wild ride and you must protect your family.

And develop the skills that will be necessary to make sure your family will survive and prosper. TACDA.ORG can help you with that effort.

Grow...and stay close to your family and friends as you will need them.

And pray always.

Disaster Lessons from the Malibu Fire

Every disaster offers lessons, and the Malibu fire of November 8, 2018 offers many.

Robert Kerbeck has written the definitive study of those lessons in his book Malibu Burning: The Real Story Behind LA's Most Devastating Wildfire. 

Having lost our house to fire, I identify with most of the lessons he states, even if ours was an individual loss and his book follows the burn of over 1,000 residences.

Here are just some of the lessons he offers in his book.

Prepared Citizens can Save their Homes

According to Kerbeck, he had prepared for years for a fire as that was a regular natural disaster in Malibu, his hometown. He saved his home by having the means to keep it safe from fire, including sufficient water, a pump, and a chemical fire retardant, Phos-Chek.

"Over the years I'd acquired other gear: Masks, nozzles, a specialized wrench to access the hydrant at the top of our driveway, and a flame-retardant chemical called Phos-Chek." Page 3

You Are on Your Own

"A surfer buddy, Tim, once told me what gear to by for the inevitable wildfire. A lifelong local, Tim had also warned me that there would be no firefighters when the time came, that if I wanted to save my place I would need to stay and fight for it myself. Being from Philadelphia, I couldn't imagine firefighters not showing up. I wasn't sure I believed him, but it couldn't imagine firefighter not showing up. I wasn't sure I believed him, but it couldn't hurt to be prepared. He explained that the hydrant water would run out, so it was essential that I have a pump and my own water source." Page 2.

So many Americans are operate in disaster under the assumption that the government will rescue them in a disaster. This is not true.

Basically, you are on your own. Firefights choose what fires they will try to put out on their own. Sheriff's follow their superiors orders. The Federal Emergency Management Agency shows up weeks after the event.

Authorities Often Issue Contradictory Commands during a Disaster

In Chapter 9, Shelter in Place, Kerbeck explains how the fire chiefs and sheriff's were recommending that the students at Pepperdine University evacuate while the leadership of the school insisted the students shelter in place.

As you might imagine, these contradictory message resulted in many students driving away in their car fleeing the fire while others remained behind as the fire passed over them.

These contradictory messages happen in all natural disasters when the various layers of government (local, state, and federal) and agencies within each issue differing orders for what to do.

Firefighters Work for their Superiors, Not You

"The group laid out the hose and hooked it to the hydrant on the ocean side of the highway. The four-inch hose was heavy even without water, but once it was filled it required Ryder and six or seven others just to move it around. Simeon manned the nozzle and blasted the flames on the ocean side, putting most of them out. The men then focused on knocking down the fire on the land side. As they did, at least twenty engines drove past. Occasionally, they ran over the hoses in the middle of the highway but they never stopped. Finally, Ryder flagged one engine down. The captain in the passenger seat rolled down his window, flashed a thumbs up sign, and took off. The message was clear. the group of men - the Paradise Cove - were on their own." Page 123

Many other citizens of Malibu requested and begged firefighters to protect their homes from the spread of the fire. Kerbeck documents that in almost every case of this request, the firefighters refused to roll down a window and simply drove away.

As shocking as this behavior was for most citizens of Malibu, they do not understand that those firefighters follow the orders of their chiefs who told them not to engage in front line firefights but to avoid engaging until the fire passed.

Outside Emergency Workers do not Answer to You

"The LA County Sheriff's Department had set up roadblocks to prevent anyone from getting in or out of the city, but there were also roadblocks within the city. Ostensibly, they were resigned to keep looters out, but they also kept out resident who wanted to return to their neighborhood. The sheriff's didn't care if someone was a resident and had the ID to prove it. One elderly woman had heard a gas station was open in mid-Malibu. Anxious about being low on fuel, she went to fill up. On the way back she was stopped at a roadblock. She had to abandon her car and walk on foot past the checkpoint where she waited in the hopes that a neighbor could pick her up and drive her home. Fortunately, someone did."
"The sheriffs didn't seem to grasp that those who stayed behind had saved hundreds of homes, possibly even preventing the fir from moving into the eastern part of the city. They often acted like the locals were getting in their way, not appearing to appreciate the fact that most Malibuites had seen no first responders during the fire." Page 135

Some Citizens Rise to the Occasion

When the local and state politicians, fire fighters, law enforcement, and administrators provided no relief, the citizens in Malibu set up their own relief center with supplies for those left behind.
They called it the Point Dume Relief Center.
Relief supplies were brought in by boats from the ocean as the authorities had shut off all relief supplies by road.
"[Malibu City Manager Reva] Feldman seemed even to resent the presence of the volunteers at the Relief Center, Judy (Point Dume Relief Center Organizer) told me. With no help from the real government, community members had come together to create their own. The fire and its fallout quickly acquired a nickname. Locals called it the YOYO Fire, for You're on Your Own.
One week in, the city finally did send something.
Two Porta Potties." Page 138

The Citizens do not Rise to the Occasion

"My across-the-street neighbor lived in a forest of flammable trees, so it was no shock when his house burned to the ground. What surprised me was that afterwards he cut down every tree on his property, even the ones that hadn't burned. He learned his lesson, but many other homeowners stubbornly refuse to remove dangerous trees, claiming they create privacy and add value to their homes. But what's the value of a burned-down house?
By cleaning your brush, you give yourself, your neighbors, and the fire department a fighting chance. I wonder how many homeowners would remove their flammable trees if firefighters said they would no longer defend such properties." Page 225

Authorities do not Rise to the Occasion

"Experts I interviewed said the most important thing homeowners can do to mitigate the fire risk is to reduce the amount of available fuel. Yet more than six months after I begged members of the Malibu City Council to institute a flammable landscaping and materials ordinance, nothing has been done.
Living in California, for all its beauty and great weather, means being only a natural disaster away from living on the streets. Some people believe it was folly to build in Malibu in the first place, let alone to rebuild over and over...
To my knowledge, the city of Malibu hasn't instituted a single law to make Malibu more fire safe."  Page 225


There are many other lessons in Malibu Burning or human behavior when confronted by a natural disaster, a fire in this case. It offers deep analysis of what works and does not work. It is worth reading for the civil defense tactics and for how to deal with your families, neighbors, and the authorities.


Know Your Local Meat Market

Know your local farm market to overcome the looming food shortages. As well, know your local meat market.

In a local meat market, the meat is healthier, cleaner, and more nutritious. 

In truth, all the food products there are healthier. They do not have preservatives, chemicals, and other nonhealthy substances in them.

It has to be because the animal husbandry and farmers the meat store owners practice, often with a religious fervor (Amish, Mennonite, etc. yes, they answer to a Higher Authority).

Although they get no attention or credit, their farming, animal husbandry, and meat store ownership practices are genius.

What they do daily is far more important than the 24/7 coverage the legacy media feeds you about what matters.

More importantly, their meat products are vital for your health and your family's future survival.

In addition to meat, they sell poultry, milk, eggs, butter, apple juice, cheese, honey, and many other food basics you and your family need daily.

There are already, and there will be soon, serious manmade natural food disasters. I have never known anyone who has gone through a natural disaster who thought it would happen to them. 

Presently, 99% of American think food shortages only happen somewhere else, not in the United States.

Most American have no idea what hunger means, let alone famine. 

After all, given that medical and average obesity in the United States is our largest medical issue due to the abundant food supply due to our industrial production of food stuffs, you cannot blame Americans for believing the myth that our food supply will always be ample.

But changes are coming. Read your Bible, especially the Old Testament. Read Aesop's FablesRead and learn the history of world civilization 
Recognize the local, regional, national, international, and geopolitical patterns you must know to protect your family.

I have been doing civil defense for over 40 years. Trust me, there are observable patterns that are evident to help you know what is coming. As a volunteer, I do this for free as I have for over 40 years. My only interest is spreading the Word to other Americans so they and their families are safe and healthy.
This food shortage is nothing new.And if you have never visited a local meat market, here are some photos of my local meat market to give you an idea of how clean and
complete such local meat markets are, as well as how sanitary, nutritious, and healthy their meat offerings are to your family's menu. 

And to their survival during the upcoming manmade food shortage disaster.


Survival Provisions are Abundant Now so Stock Up

Be Responsible as the Adult

Never be that Dad, Granddad, Mom or Grandma who, when your loved ones look at you and ask, "I'm hungry! Why don't we have food?" you have to say, "We don't have any Honey. I'm so sorry."

Instead, make sure you are able to say, "God has blessed us with abundance. Here, let me fix you something to eat and drink."

Learn how important civil defense is for children. The article in the Journal of Civil Defense can be downloaded here.

The Miracle of American Grocery Stores...Most Times

American grocery stores are miraculous. Use them now to stock up before the collapse and chaos.

Each contains hundreds of thousands of items vital to your everyday survival. The three day supply chain that keeps them fully stocked works like a machine most times...except when manmade disasters like the recent pandemic or natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods strike.

It took almost a year for the survival supplies, especially cleaners and paper products like toilet tissue, to restock, but they are in abundance now. Buy them.

Remember, often manmade and natural disasters often happen at the same time.

With an economic collapse due to rapidly escalating interest rates, you will still have tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, floods, earthquakes, riots, and other events. Best to get ready now while there is time.

Big Box Stores Empty First

In 2020, due to the Wuhan Flu panic, big box stores were under severe pressure to keep up with the demand for survival provisions.

Mass panic led to millions running into their grocery stores and clearing out the products until many shelves were empty. Especially hard hit were bottled water, baby formula, diapers, toilet paper, milk, meat, pasta, canned goods, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, vitamins, and many other items.

Big box stores were wiped out of survival supplies. Grocery stores were hit hard, but less hard than the big box stores.

I know this because I did weekly Periscope videos analyzing and showing what items were in short supply and where. Periscope was shut down but my knowledge of what happened during the Wuhan Communist Chinese Party bioweapon attack is still fresh in my memory, so I pass along my lessons learned here.

My analysis is that the big box stores like Costco were drained rapidly as hoarders favored those. 

Grocery Stores Empty Second

Grocery stores were the second level of the food supply chain that were hard hit. 

Essentials disappeared first. I can still see the shopping carts piled high with items as consumers went crazy purchasing anything they could get their hands on.

I remember talking to numerous grocery store managers who said items disappeared off the shelves as soon as they were put out. Worse, customers would drive around the back of the store to the unloading dock and try to grab items as they arrived.

So, yes there were real shortages, but the problem became far worse due to public hysteria.

Convenience Stores Empty Third

Convenience stores, especially those with a gas station (WaWa, Rutters, 711, Sheetz, and hundreds of others) are all over the country. Convenience stores were hit hard but resupplied faster.

Many people switched to convenience stores and shopped there when the big box stores and convenience stores were out of items. And they were willing to pay the higher price to get the item they wanted.

Dollar Stores were Hit Fourth

The final level to be hit during the Wuhan virus panic were dollar stores.

About 95% of what you need to survive can be found in a dollar store. Their business doubled during this panic. 

Dollar stores for the most part were able to maintain their supply chains, except for the usual toilet paper, milk, and baby food shortages that were experienced in the grocery and convenience stores as well.

Specialty Stores Empty Last

Specialty food stores like McCutchen's Apple ProductsWagner's Meats and Hahn's Pork and Beans were hit last.

Specialty stores were better off for two reasons:

  • One, they create their own foods and are protected from the supply chain constraint.
  • Two, because they rationed supplies sooner and thereby contained the hoarding that was so catastrophic at the big box and grocery stores.
Tip: Be a Provident Prepper

Prepare in the sense of Provident preparing...not hoarding. In other words, prepare under God's directions as written in the Bible.

For good guidelines for how to prepare, and what to purchase and store, see the Provident Prepper.

In my position as volunteer vice president of the American Civil Defense Association, I have known the family that runs this enterprise for 15 years. The mother has edited most of my 15 articles for the Journal of Civil Defense

As the Provident Prepper says so well: The definitions of the word provident include; making or indicative of timely preparation for the future, having or showing foresight, providing carefully for the future, providing for future needs or events, and exercising foresight in the management of one’s affairs or resources.

Buy your survival products now that they are easily available. Stock up on your emergency supplies while they are abundant.

Obviously, perishable foods like those in these photos are not for long-term stocking or storage in your survival supplies.

But they are critical for your health and building your immunity that ARE critical to your long-term survival. Purchase and eat fruits and vegetables that are vital to your robust health and strong immune system. 

The Wuhan Flu is not the first manmade disaster to hit us, nor will it be the last. Natural disasters and manmade disasters strike everyday.

Prepare for them now to be able to survive them tomorrow.

Do not be a panicked hoarder when the next disaster strikes. Instead, be a provident prepper.

When I was in college I tutored Vietnamese and Cambodian "Boat People." I took them to grocery stores and introduced them to the abundance of our food production, storage, and sales. I can still see their wide eyes as they viewed what was fantasy in their homeland.

After college, I tutored Russian Jewish emigres. I saw the same look in their eyes. Having come from the communist Soviet Union, the many choices on the American grocery store shelves were overwhelming for them. 

As they were used to standing in line for basics in the Soviet Union for meagre or non-existent provisions, the super abundance of the average American grocery stores was hard for them to manage.

Appreciate your blessings in the food that is abundant now. Store up your provisions in prayer and in practical items you and your family need to survive.

I write this with a heavy heart knowing that most Americans will ignore what I am saying. In some ways, I am like the doctor who tells their patients over and over to lose weight to reduce their medical issues. 

I have been educating Americans for 40 years about civil defense tasks and ways to reduce the loss of life and damage to property due to manmade and natural disasters.

How many Americans actually prepare for disasters? My estimate is 1%. So many have this misguided belief that "the government" will save them in the event they face a disaster. I have a tip for you if you think that: You are on your own! 

Be the 1% who are prepared and who has prepared their family for future disasters. Do not be that guy in the Ninth ward of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina struck saying to the media day after day, "Where's FEMA!? Where's FEMA?! Where's THE MAN!!!

The man is not coming to save you. FEMA arrives weeks and months later and mainly writes checks for those who can prove they had property destroyed and who do not have private insurance to cover them.

Remember: Survival provisions are widely available in America NOW. It is one of the reasons we are the envy of the world. 
Do your part by securing the items you need for you, your family, and some extra for your neighbors who do not prepare.

God is good and provides mightily for our needs. 

Honor Him by doing your duty by purchasing, storing, and maintaining what you need to build up God's Kingdom on his Holy Earth...NOW!


Civilian Response to Active Shooter

You can respond correctly, quickly, and efficiently to an active shooter.

By doing so, you can live to see another day and go home to your loved ones.
Americans are responding to the challenge of meeting and defeating these murderers.
Enough active shootings have taken place we know how to take steps to live and avoid steps to die.
I can't cover everything in a blog post, nor can survival be taught in a three hour class. 
It is a mind set that must be exercised every day.
That said, with training, you can survive a mass murder event.

Expert Advice Here and Here.
Anglican Pastor: Why I Pack a Pistol for my Parish

Response to an Active Shooter Training

Recently, I went to a three-hour Response to an Active Shooter training at Calvary United Methodist Church in Mt. Airy, MD.
I have attended similar training at the Emergency Operations Center in Westminster, MD, at my church St. Michael's in Poplar Springs, MD, at the Mt. Airy Volunteer Fire Company and at several other venues.
One was for the librarians in Howard County. Two hundred of them were taught how to respond to an active shooter murderer if they came into the library and started shooting. 
So, training for how to avoid and respond to these murderers is gathering steam.
I started doing research on active shooters and active shootings when a hoax one was called into my son's then high school. 
You can read about it here.

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Maryland State Police First Sergeant Jon Hill was the instructor for the Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE).
He emphasized that it takes, on average, three minutes for the police to arrive at an active shooting. (The police arrived in one minute to the Capital Gazette shooting...but the murderer was still able to kill 5 in that minute.)
So Sgt. Hill taught a three hour class class on what to do, and what not to do, in that three minutes.
He explained that you must be ready for the 3-minutes BEFORE the police arrive.
In a word...if you cannot flee...have a plan to bum rush the mass murderer.
As he said, if the biggest, meanest Navy Seal stood in the middle of the gym where the class was held, and if the 340 people in attendance picked up items, threw them at him bum rushed him...numbers favor even the unarmed.
This is a concept I heard years ago from an Israeli intel guy. 
He was shocked how, back then, American children were being taught in public schools to hide and stay quiet.
When a mass murderer burst into an Israeli school, the children were taught to pick up items and throw them at them and take them out.
I'll leave it to you to figure out which approach saves more children's lives.
I include the one-page program below. It is brief but loaded with resources. 
Staying Alive and The Unthinkable are both excellent books on how to prepare.

CAT Tourniquet and Lightweight Armour Plating

Two of the most important items you can purchase to survive are a CAT Tourniquet and Lightweight Amour plating for your (and your children's) backpack(s) or briefcase(s).
Note the CAT Tourniquet and Chest Seal medical kit recommendation at the bottom of the the one-page training sheet above.
They know and I know that CAT Tourniquet's save lives.
The best ones have been tested in Afghanistan and Iraq/Syria and are made and sold by North American Rescue.
CAT Tourniquet's should be in your everyday carry (EDC) kit.
Keep one in your car, too.
So many lives have been saved due to a tourniquet being applied and therefore, the person has not bled out and died.
Don't listen to the dolts who say, "Oh, you just need a belt." Get a CAT.
Lightweight Armour plating is available for your backpack or briefcase. 
You can stand behind it and use it as a protective barrier when you rush the active shooter (murderer). 
CRYE Precision in Brooklyn, NY makes a good one that I use.

Act FAST to Save Your Life

I am alive today because in a variety of situations where others tried to kill me I
From getting jumped by gangs for my paper route collection money in grade school to being attacked by 15 criminals with baseball bats while a crowd of 40 cheered them on in Georgetown, Washington DC to being jumped in Place Pigale in Paris by three guys with a knife to multiple other "situations" here and abroad, what saved my life was being aware that it was REAL.
People die or are injured everyday because they fail to realize that the situation is REAL.
Just look up the "knockout" game in YouTube for proof.
For example, when the gang in DC brought down the baseball bats on my head, through the blood and sweat I said "THIS IS REAL AND THEY WANT TO KILL ME!"
I grew up in North Philadelphia and had been jumped so I flashed back, in nanoseconds, to that reality as they kept assaulting me.
I made a quick and vital decision.
I saw my wife and son (then a 33 with his own baby) in my mind's eye through all the blood, pain, and sweat.
For those first minutes, I said a quick prayer and then I went insane.
I used my forehead, fists, elbows, knees, feet, teeth and hips to strike back as they came in wave after wave. 
(I actually had to go for an AID's blood test a few days later as one of the criminal's teeth punctured my knuckle.)
As it was a gang, I was fortunate enough to take out their gang leader and the fight went out of them. 
I was also blessed that I had a brief case with twenty dollars in quarters for my wife to do laundry that night I was able to use to block their strikes, and an umbrella to strike back.
Pushing the remaining spokes of the umbrella into the face of their huge leader stopped his assault.
As a waiter in a restaurant when I visited with a detective a week later said, "You were that guy. We went out to help you but you had 14 of them down."
I'm aware it could have ended differently.
What is important here is not the details.
What is important is to know that the decision you take to not say, "This can't be happening!" but to say, "THIS IS REAL AND I HAVE TO FIGHT!" will make the difference as to whether you live or die in an active shooter (murder) "event" or "situation."
With Christ as my witness, I can testify that that is true.
Decide to live. 
Decide to fight back.
I got 56 stitches to my face and head that night. 
When the female doctor began to put the stitches in my head and face and I finally felt safe, I had an adrenaline dump and I felt like a freight train hit me. 
But I was alive.

Never Give Up

There are parallels to martial arts training in this country.
Not me, but there were instructors who used to teach women to submit to a rapist.
They argued back in the 1960's, mistakenly, that if the women submitted the rapist would go easy on them.
Experience and statistics eventually proved that view very, very wrong.
The rapist will harm and kill the woman anyway. 
They are not nice or reasonable that way.
When I teach women, I always taught them to use their full arsenal to defend themselves, and to NEVER EVER give up.
I tell you the same when it comes to an "active shooter" (mass murderer).
Use your full arsenal to defend yourself.
Decide now to do so.


Air National Guard Martinsburg WV

Among the many wonders of Martinsburg, WV is the massive Air National Guard planes that pass over my house on their way to the Shephard Field, home of the 167th Air National Guard

See here for videos.

There is also the Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport Authority and the MRB Charter Air rentals.

Nearby is the John D. Rockefeller IV Science and Technology Park, North and South. 

Maybe an American company can purchase this land before the Communist Chinese Party buys it. 

Think that cannot happen?

It already has in Texas.

"A windmill project near Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio whose owner is a former member of the Chinese army now has raised the red flag to stop foreign adversaries from buying land near our military bases."

I finally had a chance to visit Shepard Field and take a few photos.
