The purpose of Poetslife is to promote the art and discipline of American Tactical Civil Defense for families and small businesses and to contribute practical American civil defense preparedness guidance for all Americans through my articles in the The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA.ORG) Journal of Civil Defense and leadership as the volunteer Vice President of TACDA.


Social Media as a Force Multiplier

ISIS has proven very adept at using social media tools to win power, influence, recruits and strategic advantage over their opponents. So far, they've mostly portrayed their strategic, battle field, psychological and opponent success after they have achieved it. Here, I will examine how they could, and likely will, use social media as a significant force multiplier if they coordinate their assault with their social media skills to cause panic, chaos, death and destruction in the United States. Basically, after much research, I believe ISIS will create widespread panic through the use of social media such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. They will use social media as a force multiplier in tandem with an actual physical assault within the United States.

A social media force multiplier as I use the term here is an individual or small team who, through the use of special tactics, can do the damage of a much larger force. It is easy to understand that a skilled sniper is a force multiplier on the battle field. Why? Because one sniper can tie up an enemy battalion and are capable of force multiplication without ever directly engaging the enemy, they are a commonly known force multiplier. I propose that a few jihadi social media “snipers” can create the kind of chaos, death, destruction, and panic to millions of American civilians. Enter “#ISIS” as a search term in Twitter. You will be amazed at the number of entries that display when you do, and most of those entries support them. Or, if you prefer, enter “#ISIL” as a search term in Twitter and you will get similar results. With social media tools, whatever safety we enjoyed once behind oceans and land masses is gone. Every day and night, state sponsored and individual hackers’ strike at our government, our corporations, and our infrastructure. (Most recently was the hacker attack against SONY.) As they are after specific information, be it financial, military, or otherwise, they generally do not destroy the servers or data or destroy electronic, digital, water, financial or other networks. But what if ISIS were to strike those same networks? And what if they used their substantial knowledge of social media as a force multiplier to increase their destructive capability? They’ve already proven themselves to be very adept at using their social media tools to recruit and train candidates from dozens of nations. They’ve uploaded their combat and recruitment films to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Their assault on Syria and Iraq was probably the first combat operation that was widely carried live on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social media. They have demonstrated a professional grasp of messaging and messaging tools. They understand that the optics as captured in social media is as important to their victory as anything they achieve on the battlefield. So…let’s take just one scenario. Let’s assume that for a year or two ISIS and their sympathizers accumulate weapons and explosives inside the United States. If they preposition operatives and supplies in just 20 U.S. neighborhoods, they have a rather formidable force. Then, they pick a day for a coordinated attack and hit hard. But knowing how powerful social media can be as a force multiplier, they not only stock piled arms and explosives. They also set up hundreds of accounts on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and other social media, and preprogrammed smart phones to spread their message rapidly…all as a force multiplier. As in Syria and Iraq, they have one operative with a cell phone recording every action. As fast as it happens, they upload it to social media websites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook using accounts they have already established. And they comment about it all, enjoying the element of surprise and the advantage of first report without counterviews reported. With a terrorist journalist assigned to each strike force, they could quickly and widely disseminate their message. A violent, coordinated, well executed attack on a large number of American neighborhoods accompanied by a professionally executed social media campaign, in addition to causing a large loss of life and significant damage to property, could accomplish the penultimate goal of every terrorist organization: panic. And they have mastered this ability already. Just one Tweeter named Mahdi under the name “Shami Witness,” an executive from Bangalore, India: “…spent his mornings, afternoons and evenings sending thousands of tweets of propaganda about the Islamic State militant group, acting as the leading conduit of information between jihadi’s, supporters, and recruits. His tweets…were seen two million times each month, making him perhaps the most influential Islamic State Twitter account, with over 17,700 followers.”[i] Remember how adept at using social media as a force multiplier the Islamic terrorist was who struck the patrons of the Lindt cafĂ© and chocolate store in Sydney, Australia at the height of the Christmas shopping season and in the heart of their financial district. In contrast to prior terrorist hostage takings going all the way back to when the Palestine Liberation Organization who when they would hijack planes in the 1970’s silenced all hostages , the jihadi at the Lindt store allowed their hostages to keep their phones. And he sent out a barrage of tweets to news media outlets and others. Why? Why would they do that when doing so would provide an opportunity for them to communicate with their families and the media? He had some hostages call news outlets to try to get on the air. Again, why? I argue they know by now very how powerful a force multiplier social media can be as a way to get on the networks. While misguided, uninformed or defeatist analysts in the West may label these actors “lone wolfs,” they are well aware they are part of a larger, global jihad. They now use social media as a force multiplier with the sword to continue their 1,400 year long drive for world domination. Orson Wells in his famous 1938 drama “War of the Worlds” achieved massive citizen panic using just his voice and an earlier social media tool, the radio. ISIS has far more sophisticated tools at its disposal, and it knows how to use them. Once underway this kind of large-scale citizen panic is difficult to contain. As they have already cut off captives heads, engaged in mass murder and mass rape, enslaved thousands, turned Christian churches into prisons, recruited, trained and activated suicide bombers and engaged in other widespread and repeated violent behavior, their launching multiple attacks inside the U.S. is easily imaginable. Given their proven global proficiency and experience coordinating their attacks with social media propaganda, ISIS using social media as a multiplier force when they strike the United States is easily imaginable. The full impact of that attack through their use of these social media tools for the past several years in the Middle East and globally shows they are proficient in their use, and they will use them here when they hit hard. We can shut down ISIS social media tools BEFORE their use of them results in large numbers of American death, panic, mayhem and destruction. The consequences of waiting until AFTER this social media force multiplier is used on a larger scale are unimaginable.

Rolling Up ISIS Social Media Weapons

In 2015, I wrote this analysis of ISIS use of social media tools to win their propaganda battles.. I repost it today because it offers lessons about how Russian intelligence is using the same tools effectively to win the information war message about their February 24th 2022 Ukrainian invasion.

ISIS uses social medial tools to take territory, gain power, spread its influence, recruit new fighters, advance its propaganda, and create a myth that it is indomitable. 
They film their butchery using professional film crews and hundreds of thousands of cell phones. They upload these videos by the thousands to intimidate their enemies into submission. 
But their social media weapons can be taken out if we have the will and unleash our experts to do so.
For more resources on how to combat them, see here

ISIS Social Media Jihad
ISIS almost immediately uploads their videos to social media when slitting the throats of captives, selling conquered people as slaves, throwing homosexuals off buildings, engaging in battlefield slaughters, shooting prisoners, and conducting victory parades.
They continuously celebrate their depraved lifestyle, ideology, tactics and beliefs on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and other social media. And when some social media companies take down their excesses, ISIS as quickly regroups and posts it on other social media outlets.  Their social media jihad is relentless and operates 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
The leaders of ISIS know we live in a socially-connected culture and they use it daily to advance their ends. More importantly, they know that a single Tweet generates little action, but a Tweet and a post on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram increase the circulation, and influence of a single Tweet, exponentially.
In 2007, the blogger Robert Scoble identified the social media starfish as a visual way of representing what ISIS does every minute in the Internet: Use various branches of social media to convert the vulnerable to believe their propaganda.
The critical concept in this diagram is “conversions.” Used correctly, a company with a product, a politician with a cause, a now a jihadi with a fanatical ideology can convert others into willing believers.
ISIS leaders know that social media enables them to share larger, deeper, and more extensive relationships. It is why they draw converts from over 70 countries to their expanding caliphate.
Social media tools are so ubiquitous we forget how powerful they are. Mostly, they are fun which is why they are so popular. They create a social story…a human story…not a technology story.
When used together in a Starfish strategy, intelligence services in the West can develop relationships with others to increase trust. ISIS uses this tactic successfully. Our intelligence services were very good at doing this during the Cold War. With the correct use of social media, we can convert social media relationships to fight the scourge of ISIS.
With social media tools we can create, collaborate and share information with others. To compete successfully against ISIS, we must use these social media tools to our advantage to contact, convince, and befriend others through a relationship.
We can use them, as ISIS does, as a force multiplier. Social media aggregator tools like Google+, Instagram and Twitter can be used to defeat ISIS.
These social media tools are more powerful by a factor of millions when used together than when used alone. ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorist organizations know this.
As a force multiplier, ISIS perpetually uploads its combat and recruitment films to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms and reaches hundreds of millions of viewers. They must be stopped.
We need to act on this as well.

ISIS Use of Social Media in an Operational Attack
During terrorist operations, they have demonstrated a professional grasp of messaging and messaging tools. They understand that the optics, as captured in social media, is as important to their victory as any military objectives they achieve on the battlefield.
And, they’ve used the mainstream media, often unfiltered, as an adjunct force multiplier to increase their power. They are very good at the social media war.
Their attack on the Lindt store in Australia is a good example. For unlike decades of practice in prior attacks, the terrorists at the Lindt store in Australia allowed their hostages to keep their cell phones.
Then they ordered some hostages to call news stations to try to get on the air live.  Why the change in tactics? Because now they have seen how ISIS has mastered the tactical advantage of manipulating social media to broadcast their ideology. 

WWII Social Media Redux
This is not the first time we have faced a social media challenge from a murderous organization bent on world domination. When I was a student at the American College (now University) in Paris, France in 1975, I used to go to Nanterre University to research original sources (films, posters, newspapers) to write a paper for a political science class on Joseph Goebbels and the Nazi Propaganda Ministry.
I saw remarkable propaganda films Goebbels created in the 1930’s and 1940’s in the original versions. Watching those films for many hours on Saturday’s, I knew immediately that there is no question that, like the ISIS propaganda ministry, Goebbels and the Nazi Propaganda Ministry understood the impact of film and radio, the social media tools of his time, for changing the opinions and feelings of people worldwide. As with ISIS, they used that knowledge, ultimately, to bring about massive death and destruction.
But as good as Joseph Goebbels was at using the social media tools of his time to conquer tens of millions, he never had Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Twitter and the other social media tools ISIS has appropriated and used so successfully  to spread its ideology through visual depictions of its hyper-violence.
The fight against ISIS will take place on many fronts. The social media front is one we created and mostly dominate. There is no reason we cannot win this one. All we need to do is to unleash our social media professionals and companies. Even if we are already several years late to the fight, working together with our intelligence professionals, they can roll back the ISIS and other terrorist organization’s cyberspace battlefield wins. 


Save Lives with Triage MET-TAGS for First Responders

Learn about MET-TAG triage tags to save lives here.

MET-TAG™ - The Standard Since 1976

The METTAG Triage System was conceived in 1975 by Robert F. Blodgett, a Civil Defense Director of Jacksonville, FL and TACDA official, who then gave the tag to TACDA in 1976 in hopes that it would financially support TACDA's civil defense publication, the Journal of Civil Defense. Since then, millions and millions of METTAG's have sold around the world, and continue to save lives and support TACDA today. METTAG's are of the oldest and best quality triage tag in the industry. METTAG's save lives! Stock up today!

Custom Tags Available! Email for information.

We ship internationally! Email for rates.Tested and developed under the scrutiny of doctors, nurses, firefighters, rescue personnel, industrial safety experts, travel safety directors, and civil defense specialists, the original METTAG™ MT-137 Triage Tag was developed by The American Civil Defense Association to MAXIMIZE SURVIVORS in war or any emergency that benefits from medical triage.

Many variations of Mettag Triage Tags have been used over the last several decades. Most tags, though, are far too complicated for rapid first response use. The need for a simple and effective triage tag without language barriers will always exist. 

METTAG™ is committed to keeping the MT-137 as close to its initial design over 40 years ago, much to the appreciation of the professionals for whom it was developed. The Original MT-137 Medical Emergency Triage Tag is constructed of a high-density damage resistant synthetic material and is printed using a special thermal printing process, allowing use in the harshest and most demanding field situations. 

Additionally, each Medical Emergency Triage Tag is equipped with a 30-inch elastic band, which is used for attaching the tag to the victim's body, usually around the neck or to an available limb.

Some notable features are:

  • Fire resistant
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  • Tear-proof
  • UV light and heat resistant
  • A universal tool, with no language barriers, and minimal training for use
  • Standard graphic symbols and a four-color tear-off triaging system
  • Simple and effective tag for fast triaging in the field
  • Unique barcodes for use of tracking and identifying victims and their belongings
  • Proudly made in the USA

To purchase the MT-137 click here.

If you would like to be considered for a wholesale account, please call (801) 501-0077, (800) 425-5397 or email

TACDA™ is a non-profit organization funded primarily by the sales of METTAG™ triage tags.

The Original MT-137 Medical Emergency Triage Tag is constructed of a high-density damage resistant synthetic material, and is printed using a special thermal printing process, allowing use in the harshest and most demanding field situations. Additionally, each Medical Emergency Triage Tag is equipped with a 30-inch elastic band, which is used for attaching the tag to the victim's body, usually around the neck or to an available limb.The Original MT-137 Medical Emergency Triage Tag is constructed of a high-density damage resistant synthetic material, and is printed using a special thermal printing process, allowing use in the harshest and most demanding field situations. Additionally, each Medical Emergency Triage Tag is equipped with a 30-inch elastic band, which is used for attaching the tag to the victim's body, usually around the neck or to an available limb.


Robert Scoble Blog How To

Naked Conversations: The Book

NOTE: I wrote this blog post about how to write blogs in 2006. Now it is 2023. As this post still gets many hits each day, I moved it to the top of Poetslife. Enjoy, all you new bloggers. As blogs have stood the test of time, it is good to review the  fundamentals of creating one.

What is a blog? 
What do they do? 
Who has one and how do they use it? 
Why do they matter? 
How will they change the world? Business? America? Europe? Asia? Africa? Latin America? 
Should you have a blog?

Find the answers to these and other questions in naked conversations: how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers...and everyone else for that matter.
Robert Scoble (left) and Shel Israel (right) have given us a gift: naked conversations: how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers. Kudos to both for trying to describe, analyze, and provide a handbook about blogs and the blogosphere.

Successful Blog Traits...Scoble and Israel give five tips for blogs that succeed:
  • Talk...don't sell
  • Post often...and be interesting
  • Write about issues you know...and care about
  • Blogging saves money...but costs time
  • You get smarter by listening to what people tell you
Since the book was published in 2006, corporate blogs have multiplied. Oracle's blog shows a corporate example and JoHo blog demonstrates a brilliant tech blog.

The Blogs
For a list of the blogs noted in naked conversations, see: NC blogs, which is the blog where they wrote the book before they wrote the book. The collective wisdom of the blogosphere made this a much better book...which illustrates a central tenet of their book. And the circle...

Techcrunch Tracking Web 2.0 by Michael Arrington gave a naked conversations (NC) book-signing party for 400 on February 17, 2006. Here are some blogs that discuss the event:
Robert ScobleDave Winer, Scott Beale, Dave McClure, Tracy Sheridan, Alex Moskalyuk, Robert Anderson, Dan Farber Pictures, Nik Cubrilovic, Jeremiah Owyang, Mark Jen, Rafe Needleman, Renee Blodgett, Chris Mullins, Mike Davidson, Brian Oberkirch, Joseph A. di Paolantonio, Jeff Clavier #2, James Gross, Alexander Muse, Oliver Starr, Rick Segal, Podtech, Max Kiesler, Dion Hinchcliffe, Narendra Rocherolle, George Nimeh, Om Malik, Dan Farber , Susan Mernit, The Conversation
The Post Money Value, Like it Matters, Jeff Clavier's Software Only, tech crunch, gapingvoid, ZDnet, pod-serve, nik, TechCrunch5, Crunchnotes, Diva Marketing Blog, weblogs work, stoweboyd, down the avenue, TwistImage, James (Australia), No Soap, Radio!, Monkey Notions, Conscious Connections, Werblog, Digestivo Cultural (Brazil), ValleyWag - (very funny photo captions), Rocketboom (the show), Rocketboom (TechCrunch5 NC party video), Grigo's Blog (China), Teachers Lounge, Church of the Customer, Bernd, Hebig, Shel, and on and on and....

Washington Post NC Book Blog Interview 2/24/2006

Robert Scoble's list of blogs to visit each day includes: engadetgapingvoid, instapundit, buzzmachine, and daringfireball

Shel Israel's list of blogs to visit each day includes: whatsnextblogmcgeesmusingsnewmediamusings, hyperorg, englishcut

That the book received the imprimatur of John Wiley & Sons, the working technical writer's continual education graduate school, makes it credible for me. 
Blogging has certainly come a long way from the early years
With over 27 million out there, here are the New York Magazine blessed top 50

Although you may not go from blogs to riches, Scoble and Israel give you a strategy for how to create a blog that may not make the top 50, but will have value for you, your business, and others...nonetheless.

Naked Conversations is chock-full-a-blogsyou can use. 
Such blog addresses are conveniently found as footers at the bottom of many pages. You might want to read the book seated at your computer so you can check out the myriad of blogs they thought good enough to include from the millions that are now out there. 

Here are a few they mention by chapter.

In Chapter 4: Direct Access:,,,,,,,,,,,,,

On page 172 under Tip #2: Read a bunch of blogs before you start, they list:,,,,; and under Tip #3: Keep it simple. Keet it focused, they list and Also, they talked to hundreds of bloggers to write the book and in Acknowledgements the list even more, such as:,,, and
Blogs are even listed with the book inside cover blurbs:,,,,,,,,, and

[See Crisis Blogging: risks, rewards and the rapidly changing world of best practices at Global PR Blog Week 2.0 for a first-rate analysis of how blogs now affect how a business or government successfully deals with or botches (read Katrina) any given crisis.]

N.B. busy my eye, this book includes an even rarer gift...a Subject Index created by a human, not a word search, so what you are looking for is clearly listed and easy to find. For example, under blogging it lists: advantages 44-45, culture 150-152, employment dangers 188-190, findable 28, Google and 28-29, linkable 28, publishable 28, six pillars 28, social 28, syndicatable 28, trends 112, viral 28.

What Are Blogs 
Naked Conversations explores why blogs exist, namely, to help people, many of whom own or work for a business, to talk, to learn from each other, and to connect for mutual advantage. Like the ancient white oak, we are all connected. Some are in the roots, others in the branches, and others in the leaves. 
I am a poet and I like metaphors. 
For me, the blog is the trunk that allows those who are leaves to connect to those in the roots and branches who would never have known of each other in the past...and to grow together by that knowing.
In the Philadelphia neighborhood
 where I grew up, there was one mother who connected everyone and who knew how to connect you with anyone. 
The guy who owned the corner grocery or hardware store 
or the postmaster at the post office performed a similar role. They were the people who took the time and learned the skills to keep everyone connected. That world is gone, but blogs can do the same on a scale unimaginable just a few years ago. And for business, your blog (or lack of one) can determine if you succeed or fail. 
naked conversations willgive you the blog tools to connect your product or service to people who will then connect you to more people than you can ever reach through traditn't like the tree metaphor you have to concede the point: blogs allow a kind of communication 
ional marketing, sales, advertising.
Even if you dothat is fun, gile, intellectually stimulating, and rewarding...if done correctly and successfully.
For a company, you can add tha
at blogs can add to your profits if they are done honestly and capably. As well, they can result in a severe loss of profits if they are done dishonestly, incompetently, or poorly. 
The choice is yours. For how to build, maintain and promote a business blog successfully, read naked conversations by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel.
This is one of those rare manuals...a clear, concise, consistent and lucid manual....a "how to create a useful blog" manual that is beautifully written, easy to understand, intelligent, and well organized...the handbook that will give home office and corporate office workers the tools to create, communicate and illucidate.naked conversations contains a cornacopia of suggestions for how to do it right and many examples of how to do it wrong. 
They skip the "Theory of Operation" by referring you to the Cluetrain Manefesto and customers, it's sellers and buyers, to the people inside and outside...quickly deliver the meat and potatoes of how a business can talk with its employees efficiently, through a blog
What a newspaper, telephone, TV and the old media did in centuries past, the blog is doing now...but with many more digital hyperspace features in nanotime and with you doing the talking rather than being talked at.

Chapters and subjects covered in
naked conversations include:
Forward by
Tom Peters
Introduction: Of Bloggers and Blacksmiths
What's Happening
Souls of the Borg
Everything Never Changes
Word of Mouth on Steroids
Direct Access
Little Companies, Long Reach
Consultants Who Get It
Survival of the Publicists
Blogs and National Cultures
Thorns in the Roses

Blogging Wrong & Right
Doing It Wrong
Doing It Right

How to Not Get Dooced
Blogging in a Crisis

The Big Picture
Emerging Technology
The Conversational Era
Acknowledgements [very useful...many cutting edge blogs listed...innovative]
Name Index [crisp and lean]
Subject Index [brief and clean]

The Authors
Shel Isreal has developed launch strategies for Sound Blaster PowerPoint, FileMaker, dBase, Paradox, Mapinfo and counseled HP, MCI, Price Waterhouse. Robert Scobel helps run Microsoft's Channel 9, which is worth a visit. 
It is one of the few places you can get an inside view of how programmers, developers designers, geeks...and others who must work together in a corporate world to create a brave, new world and for insights for why and how they create it.

[When I worked on a very complex semiconductor manufacturing clean-room plasma tool, I suggested that we video the development process for the service technicians to help them service and maintain the tool. 
The idea never got past the director because he was not a fan of knowledge sharing with others, even the engineers on his staff. 
My hat is off to Microsoft for creating this tool for their workers and for the wider world.]

Shel Isreal and Robert Scobel have illuminated many of the mysteries and the promise of blogs in naked conversatations. Take it out to your front porch, sit a spell, take a few hours and just read for the pure joy of reading a well-written book. This is a book to enjoy with a pen to mark up what you will need to remember and refer to again and again as you work on
your own blog

If I had this book when I started this blog...only two months ago...I would have used it as a primer and made fewer false starts and pages I later eliminated.

You may not think blogs matter. 
Many more think poetry does not matter. 
Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood said T.S. Eliot, Dante, 1920. 
So, too, blogs.

Blogs are On-Line Meetings 24/7
Let Isreal and Scobel show you how with this very readable guidebook.
Blogs are the riparian area between the river and the land where you can plant a few trees and watch them grow over the years. They are growing and meeting all day and all night, like trees.

Here, ideas float mid-air
as open targets of word,

Cryptic and terse, that fire
machine-gun rapid
To take them
Until at 5, an idea stays,
deflects all shots,
Floats higher and higher
and settles back
Approved, accepted, accurate
and written down
By consensus and commitment
and nods of heads
As certain as a hundred
thousand years ago
The light of electricity replaces
the light of the sun.
Remember: the idea for fire
started as humbly.

Wikiopedia's Blogosphere Defined
Wikiopedia defines the term Blogosphere as: The notion of a blogosphere is an important concept for understanding blogs. Blogs themselves are just instances of a particular formatting choice, whereas the blogosphere is a social phenomenon. What differentiates blogs from webpages or forums is that blogs can be part of a shifting Internet-wide social network formed by two-way links between different blogs. You link to my articles and I'll link to your articles, and we will both seem to be more interesting.The Subject Index

Shifts Happen and a Story 
Be prepared for some blog links moving on to another server, being abandonded, or not available when you look for them. 
Shifts happen...and so your the blog listed in the book may not display. Page 74 states "...Target the number-two retail chain..." and on page 133 "When Scoble spoke with Target executives, they told him that blogging was unlikely to start up inside America's fourth [-] largest retailer..." This was the only inconsistency I could find in the book (and who knows and who really cares if Target's is two or four). 
Point is, with such attention to detail, they did an exceptional job of creating a work that will help create a blogging civilization.
After finding this one minor inconsistency in their work, and given the cogent analysis, cherry picking of useful blogs, definitions of blog policies, plans, procedures and practices, I think Scoble and
Israel well demonstrate in their tome the very requirements they list as required of a good blog: authenticity, usefulness, integrity, connectivity to other blogs, passion, authority,simplicity, focus, accessibility, storytelling,, reflect the real world and maintain a referrers log.

In essence, they followed their own advice about how to create blogs when creating this book, and the work is easier to use and use again because of that. It will be assigned reading in business courses by next semester...see The Applied Blogging Workshop for how this is already happening.

When I could not find an introductory blog book at the
Barnes & NobleComplete Idiot's Guide to Creating a Web Page & Blog" or "Naked Conversations" in the business section, my immediate response was, "The latter." (And I write manuals for a living and often counter an engineers comments that "No one reads manuals anymore!" with the reply, "What about the Complete Idiot's Guide's? They're manuals and they sell in the millions. Someone's reading them.)

When they guy took the time to walk me to where the book was in the business section, selected it, and handed it to me, besides being impressed that he demonstrated the rare courtesy of customer service, I knew in a few seconds this was the definitive book on blogs I had been searching for. 

If you want to know what blogs are and how to create one, may you discover this paper blog book that will enrich your digital blog experience.

Reading this work was like the experience I had when a Lockheed Martin Vice President of Corporate Communications in Bethesda, MD in 1997 was too busy to review a software disc a new company called Netscape sent him and tossed it to me (a temp) to analyze. I spent three days jumping from website to website without having to type in five lines of very dense code as with the Sailor system I was using then to get to the Internet.

I can still remember how I received a graduate-school level introduction to the possibilities of the Internet in those three days. It felt good to finally get the first clear understanding of what this internet buzz was all about. 

Unfortunately, I could not get the stock end of what Netscape was all about because, as the Brown & Co. investment banker who was one of those selling the initial public offering told me curtly, I was not a "serious" investor because I could not raise at least $50,000 in five minutes in order to bid on the stock.

My thanks to Scoble and Isreal for providing the wellspring for future blogs.

Common Sense Corporate Business Blogging Policy 
Here is an IBM corporate blogging policy link to a .pdf that lists blogging guideliness as dependable, useful, and worthwhile as the old IBM Selectric. You might find these IBM blogging guideliness useful in creating your own corporate blogging guidelines. (Ah...the IBM there was a poet and writer's typewriter.) 

Here is a sample:
Guidelines for IBM Bloggers: Executive Summary

1. Know and follow IBM's Business Conduct Guidelines.

2. Blogs, wikis and other forms of online discourse are individual interactions, not corporate communications. IBMers are personally responsible for their posts. Be mindful that what you write will be public for a long time protect your privacy.
3. Identify yourself name and, when relevant, role at IBM when you blog about IBM or IBM-related matters. And write in the first person. You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of IBM.
4. If you publish a blog or post to a blog and it has something to do with work you do or subjects associated with IBM, use a disclaimer such as this: The postings on this site are my own and dont necessarily represent IBMs positions, strategies or opinions. 

5. Respect copyright, fair use and financial disclosure laws.
6. Don't provide IBMs or another's confidential or other proprietary information.
7. Don't cite or reference clients, partners or suppliers without their approval.8. Respect your audience. Don't use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, etc., and show proper consideration for others' privacy and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory such as politics and religion.
9. Find out who else is blogging on the topic, and cite them.
10. Don't pick fights, be the first to correct your own mistakes, and don't alter previous posts without indicating that you have done so.
11. Try to add value. Provide worthwhile information and perspective.

Shel Israel's Reply to an e-mail I sent him:
February 17, 2006 The Poet Understands what Our Book is About
Bruce Curley, a senior technical writer, has reviewed our book on his blog, poetslife. It's favorable but that is not why I'm writing about him. He sent me an email yesterday that moved me. It read in part:
Just yesterday, my wife sent me for paint swatch samples to the new Benjamin Moore paint store in Mt. Airy, MD where I live. I told the owner about your book, my review, and how her business might benefit if she read about the englishcut blog you describe. She said she was going to read my review and look up the book. I also told a tailor at English-American in Westminster, MD where they still make suits by hand, about englishcut.
I relay this brief story to say your book spreads by wordofmouthosphere as well as by the blogosphere, proving one of the main points you make in naked conversations.
Robert and I wrote Naked Conversations with that paint store in mind, as well as that international corporations. We get a steady flow of bloggers telling us that the stories we covered are, for the most part, old hat to them. 
Of course, they are. We see blogging veterans as our collaborators, not our target audience. 
We hope that we have given blogging enthusiasts everywhere a tool to spread the word. 
We hope you bloggers serve as word-of-mouth champions to those businesses who don't yet understand the power of social media.
Bruce, yesterday was a tough day for me for a lot of reasons. 
Thanks. You made it a lot better.
And yours mine, Shel. Thanks for all the hard work.

This red-tailed hawk was doing circles out out in my yard as I finished this blog book review...a good sign. 
As the French poet Valery reminded us, "A poem is never is only abandoned." 

So, too, with this naked conversations book and blog. It continues in other blogs, on iPods, in foreign lands. But the majesty of that bird is so incredible it becomes this blogs this work takes flight to create good blogs and blogging relationships.